Wes Skorski was gracious enough to answer many of our questions over facebook instant messenger. We have captured these questions and posted them here.

If Obergefell vs Hodges was overturned, would Jason support codifying same-sex marriage?

Yes, I would support codifying same sex marriage

What are Wes’ views on Term Limits for Congress and/or Supreme Court Justices?

I would be in favor of some sort of term limits. There is a certain amount of knowledge that one gains from being in office, and at the same time there is also a learning curve that must be overcome. Being appointed for life at the time of our founding fathers certainly meant something different than it does today with regards to the number of years in service.

What is Wes’ view of Big Tech (Facebook, Twitter) blocking misinformation about Covid? Should Tech companies block such misinformation? What is more important here, freedom of speech or protection of our citizens?

Tech companies are not government entities and so have a right to block as they see fit. We have seen over the years the companies policing themselves when they see misinformation from either foreign entities or at home. Just like newspapers from decades ago can pick and choose what they want to print.

What, if any, gun control regulation does Wes support?

Connecticut has some of the strictest gun control laws on the books. I would not make them any less strict. There are several proposals, one of which I believe gives police Chiefs some more authority to deny a permit, which I would be in favor of.

Glastonbury Citizen Interview

These questions Wes answered in The Glastonbury Citizen. While we provide the questions here, we suggest getting a subscription to the paper — as a good citizen is a well read citizen.

If the early voting referendum passes, what measures would you support or oppose for early voting, and how would you address the impact on local election officials?

Yes, I would support early voting measures. Security and integrity of the election process would be important aspects of rolling something like this out.

Would you support or oppose a bill providing for aid in dying for terminally ill patients similar to what was passed by the Public Health Committee last year? Please explain.

I watched my own wife die from cancer, a terrible tragedy that unfolded before my children’s eyes. You always hold onto hope that there is one more day, one more treatment, one more chance, but in some situations, there isn’t any more that can be done. I would be in support of this bill, with the proper circumstances, safety measures, and consents.