As the world becomes more digital, technology is becoming more intertwined with our daily lives. ChatGBT is one such technology. Despite the misconceptions, ChatGBT is not here to take our jobs; instead, it can be likened to a calculator that makes our work more efficient.

As a software engineer, I use ChatGBT every day. At work, I have been able to create programs that would have taken me eight hours to complete in just one hour.

While ChatGBT can complete impressive tasks, such as creating customized meal plans and workout routines, it is not a substitute for human expertise. For example, I could not use it to write a town budget, or diagnose someone’s illness. In other words, ChatGBT is a tool that can assist professionals in their work, but it cannot replace the need for professionals.

While it may seem similar to Google, there is a key difference between the two. Google searches for information based on specific keywords, while ChatGBT uses a sophisticated algorithm to generate a personalized response based on prompts. This allows ChatGBT to provide more tailored and specific answers, making it an invaluable tool for those who want to save time and increase efficiency.

The Glastonbury school board is aware of the concerns about ChatGBT trivializing homework. Professionally, I have seen job applicants use ChatGBT to solve assignments given to them, leading my company to change our approach to interviewing.

It is important to note that ChatGBT is not sentient. It is a chatbot built on a large dataset with millions of data points. ChatGBT is exceptional at tricking people into thinking it’s alive, but it’s just that – a trick.

To demonstrate the capabilities of ChatGBT, I asked it to write an article for the Glastonbury Citizen talking about chatGBT. I gave it all the talking points to discuss and had to edit the final result slightly. You are reading the output now.

ChatGBT is a tool that, if used correctly, can enhance our productivity and efficiency, but it cannot replace the need for human expertise.