Steve is the Ranking Member of the Labor committee and serves on the Housing and Higher Education committees

Steve is a self-made businessman who has created jobs for hundreds of Connecticut families. Through his passion, integrity and hard work, he continues to expand and grow.

As State Representative, Steve has focused on legislation that reduces regulation, lowers taxes, promotes personal freedom, and creates opportunities for job growth.

Voting History

The names of bills do not necessarily reflect what’s inside them. Someone might be for Mandatory Childhood Vaccines but vote against the bill due the way that they believe it was implemented. If you are curious about why your representative voted a specific way, contact them and ask.






Law and Order




Property Rights

So many in the legislature fail to recognize the importance of protecting property rights.  Often, I see many of my colleagues look to try to be sympathetic to tenants, or tenant groups by taking away property rights from the rightful owner.

Individual Rights

This is the same issue as property rights.  In giving consideration to concepts which are well intentioned, often individual rights and our duty to uphold them via the Constitution, are forgotten.

Government Growth

I am often pushing back against movements to expand the reach, role, authority and power of our State government.  So many of the bills that come out of committee and in some cases, the House Floor, look to expand programs, grow or add entire government departments, increase authority, add regulation, add headcount and increase budgets.  Many of these are well-intentioned and have catchy titles, but I find most to be an infringement on individual freedoms, so I tend to ask how any of these initiatives will benefit the taxpayer.

About Steve

Steve has chosen to live, work and raise his family in Connecticut. He believes in Connecticut’s opportunity and promise. He is grounded by family, has hard working values and will protect and defend the rights of your families as well.

Steve was born and raised in Connecticut, and currently resides in Hebron with his wife, Allegra and their three daughters. As an Eagle Scout – he lives by Scout motto: “Be prepared”.

In order to come together and understand, we’re going to have to have a two way conversation that does not start and end with shouting, demonizing one another, or destroying property.

– Steve Weir 2020