Republican Candidate
Democrat Candidate

Richard Blumenthal (Incumbent)

Chris Murphy, the junior U.S. Senator from Connecticut, has focused his career on advocating for Connecticut families and addressing key issues such as job creation, affordable healthcare, education, and sensible gun laws. He has been instrumental in reforming the mental health system through a bipartisan effort and has pushed for more affordable college education as a member of the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee. Murphy is also known for his strong stance on diplomacy and international human rights, which he champions as a member of the Foreign Relations Committee.

Following the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in 2012, Murphy became a leading advocate for reducing gun violence, promoting bipartisan legislation for expanded background checks and firearm restrictions. His role on the Senate Appropriations Committee has seen him advocate for investments in Connecticut manufacturing and support the Buy American initiative. Before his Senate career, Murphy served three terms in the U.S. House of Representatives and eight years in the Connecticut General Assembly, where he authored significant legislation including the Frank Melville Supportive Housing Investment Act. Murphy, a Wethersfield native and law graduate from the University of Connecticut, is married to Catherine Holahan and they have two sons and two cats.


Senator Murphy has had a number of interviews over the years. By reviewing the transcript of these interviews and using chatGPT, we can infer his policy positions.

Public and Mental Health

Chris Murphy highlights the importance of addressing the country’s mental health crisis, which he identifies as contributing to a range of societal issues, including addiction, violence, and political extremism. He suggests that the degradation of communal values and increase in hyper individualism are factors in the worsening public trust and mental health. Murphy supports interventions that focus not just on healthcare but also on fostering community and collective well-being.

Gun Violence and Legislation

Chris Murphy discusses his long-standing commitment to gun violence prevention. He references his involvement in significant gun legislation and emphasizes the need for continued legislative action to address the high rates of gun violence in the United States, including suicide and mass shootings. Murphy highlights the role of public pressure and political power in achieving bipartisan support for gun control measures. Chris has brought this up in multiple interviews.

Immigration and Border Policy

Murphy argues for a comprehensive approach to immigration that secures the border and establishes clear, humane policies for immigration and asylum. He stresses the importance of understanding and managing the flow of migrants at the border to maintain national cohesion and support further immigration reforms, such as pathways to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and DACA recipients

Israel-Gaza Conflict

Murphy expresses deep concern about the civilian casualties in Gaza and the long-term consequences of the Israeli military strategies in the region. He advocates for a more targeted and proportionate response that focuses on de-escalating the conflict and addressing the humanitarian crisis, emphasizing the need for U.S. engagement to support a cessation of hostilities and to encourage sustainable peace efforts

Support for National Service

Murphy supports the concept of national service to foster a sense of community and civic engagement among Americans. He believes that bringing people together from diverse backgrounds to work on common goals can address issues of polarization, loneliness, and the lack of community engagement

Economic Focus and Manufacturing

Senator Murphy emphasizes his commitment to Connecticut’s economy, specifically through policies that support manufacturing and local purchasing by the federal government. He advocates for initiatives like “Buy America” that aim to increase federal procurement of domestically produced goods, thereby boosting local manufacturing.


Chris discusses significant federal investment in Amtrak and transportation infrastructure in Connecticut, reflecting his broader commitment to improving public transit and local economies.

Tax Policy and Economic Equity

Murphy criticizes tax policies that he believes favor the wealthiest Americans and corporations at the expense of the middle class. He advocates for a tax system that reduces the burden on middle-income families and ensures that wealthier individuals and businesses pay their fair share

Education and Student Loans

Murphy calls for a comprehensive review of higher education financing, particularly the burden of student loans. He suggests a significant reduction in student loan interest rates and advocates for a restructuring of how higher education is funded and administered to better align with job markets and reduce costs

NATO’s Response to Russian Aggression

Murphy emphasizes the importance of strengthening NATO’s eastern flank in response to potential threats from Russia, citing the unpredictability of Russian President Vladimir Putin. He mentions the deployment of new battle groups to countries like Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia as a critical step in reinforcing NATO’s defensive posture

U.S. Support for Ukraine

Murphy advocates for a strong U.S. commitment to supporting Ukraine while avoiding direct military conflict with Russia. He discusses the unprecedented level of U.S. aid to Ukraine compared to past conflicts, highlighting the delicate balance between support and escalation

Voting Record

We can tell a lot from a candidate about their voting record.


Reproductive / Women’s Rights






Taxes and Inflation


Same Sex Marriage


Chris Murphy is often on television. You can find a wealth of information about him speaking about his policies online.

Leora Levy

Matthew McKinnon Corey was born January 11, 1964 in Hartford, CT, and is a lifelong resident of Manchester, CT. In 1951. Matthew proudly describes himself as a “Trump Guy”

Matt enlisted in the United States Navy in 1982. He was deployed to Beirut in 1983 and served in the Navy until 1987, receiving an Honorable Discharge. 

Following his military service for our great country, Matt worked for the United States Postal Service and for the Teamsters. In 1990, Matt opened Advanced Services International, providing window cleaning services for several high rise buildings throughout Connecticut. Matt also owned and operated McKinnon’s Pub in Hartford beginning in 2002. He now owns and operates The One Wood Pub at East Hartford Golf Course. 

As a business owner and a resident, Matt understands how both action and inaction have impacted Connecticut’s residents and business owners alike, whether in daily life, professional ventures or long term goals

Policy Issues


Matthew Corey is committed to building a strong economy. He proposes controlling taxes and spending to reduce the national deficit. He aims to challenge China’s economic practices and support U.S. manufacturers, particularly highlighting the need to back Connecticut’s private insurance industry. Matthew also advocates for the expansion of apprenticeship programs to increase job opportunities.


Matthew supports making life more affordable for Americans. He is in favor of extending the Trump tax cuts and eliminating taxes on tip income and Social Security payments. To address high energy costs, he champions energy independence as a strategy to reduce gasoline, electric, and heating expenses..

Border Security

Matthew believes in securing the border by completing the border wall and reinstating the “Remain in Mexico” policy for asylum seekers. He supports the deportation of illegal immigrants who commit crimes and is against the concept of sanctuary cities and states.

International Relations and Defense

Matthew advocates for a strong international stance, supporting Israel against its adversaries and opposing leniency towards Iran and its terrorist proxies such as Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis. He calls for a rebuild of the U.S. military to address 21st-century challenges, promoting a doctrine of peace through strength.

Community Safety

Matthew is a strong supporter of law enforcement, advocating for unequivocal backing of the police (“Back the Blue”). He seeks tougher penalties for the trafficking of fentanyl and designer drugs, aiming to enhance community safety.

Community Prioritization

Matthew is focused on putting communities first. He proposes rebuilding deteriorating infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, trains, and sewer systems. He opposes special interest bailouts and “nation building” projects abroad, preferring to concentrate resources on domestic needs

Business and Economic Policy

Matthew Corey emphasizes his background as a small business owner and the need for business-friendly representation in Congress. He argues that policies should consider their impact on both large and small businesses, and criticizes tax policies that he believes drive corporations overseas

Labor and Unions

Corey acknowledges his past experience working with unions and stresses the importance of balancing support for workers with the needs of businesses. He criticizes policies that he views as anti-business, which he believes ultimately harm workers by affecting job availability and business viability

Energy and Environmental Policy

He opposes taxes on energy sources like natural gas and argues against policies that increase energy costs. Corey links high energy costs directly to economic difficulties for both individuals and businesses

Healthcare and Social Security

Corey criticizes the diversion of funds from Medicare and Social Security, asserting that these funds should be protected and not reallocated to other uses, including support for illegal immigrants. He emphasizes the importance of ensuring the sustainability of these programs for Americans who have paid into them

Reproductive Rights

On the issue of reproductive rights, Corey states that he respects Connecticut’s laws on abortion and suggests that it should remain a state issue rather than federal