Rachna Khanna, a dedicated and passionate advocate for her community, offers a ray of hope to the residents of Glastonbury. As a licensed Connecticut attorney with a law degree from Western New England University School of Law and an MBA from the Barney School of Business at the University of Hartford, Rachna possesses a unique combination of legal expertise and business acumen. Alongside her professional achievements, Rachna is a successful entrepreneur, having founded RK Law Group, a firm specializing in real estate, estate planning, and immigration law.

Her personal life is as rich and fulfilling as her professional one. Rachna is the proud wife of Dr. Paveen Khanna and the loving mother of three daughters. Glastonbury has been their cherished home for over a decade, a fact that underscores her commitment to the town and its residents.

Running for the town council, Rachna Khanna presents a vision of transparency, accountability, and fiscal responsibility. She firmly believes in empowering legal immigrants, promoting efficient governance, and shaping a prosperous future for Glastonbury. Above all, her campaign is fueled by an unwavering desire to reclaim the town she loves so deeply from the grips of political scandals and wasteful spending.

Her pledge to the citizens of Glastonbury is simple yet profound – to restore faith in their town’s political sphere, ensure their safety from rising levels of crime, and instill financial responsibility in town governance. With Rachna Khanna on the town council, Glastonbury can look forward to a future of integrity, prosperity, and community-focused leadership.

Rachna’s Quote from Glastonbury Life
I wish to represent the citizens of Glastonbury by offering a combination of legal expertise, compassion, and respect for fiscal responsibility which better represents the Glastonbury I moved into 14 years ago. This includes prioritizing the town’s historic character, our farmlands and historic buildings. I wish to balance the budgets without raising taxes on Glastonbury residents, work with law enforcement to lower crime and stop the excessive over construction in our town. I have a background in business with an MBA and have run small businesses as a Medical Administrator and now as an owner of a law firm.

I have the skills that I have developed by serving on several boards including the Board of Directors of the Business School of UNIV of Hartford. I have dealt with budgets and know how to work with people and understand regulations and laws due to my background in law. I am a Rotarian and have served on many community service organizations and have been honored with several awards for my work. As an immigrant I know the value of hard work and as a mother of three doctors I know how to multitask and prioritize issues to get things done.

Citizen Questions

The range of response: strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree

What are the three greatest challenges facing the community, and how will you address them?

Tax increase, crime and overdevelopment. The way to balance a budget is to curb spending and not increase the taxes to overburden the residents. Crime and overdevelopment go hand in hand. We are developing our town and losing its rural charm. The increased population is overburdening our resources and crowding our schools and we are losing our open spaces and farmlands to overdeveloped housing projects. The rush to bring housing projects is causing large areas with piles of dirt in our town, as seen on Hebron Ave. Stronger ties with law enforcement, stricter zoning laws and creation of historical districts is one way to prevent this spread. Buying more open land to prevent overbuilding is another way to protect our rural charm.

Zoning ordinances in town do not allow for adequate supply of housing across the income spectrum.

Neither agree nor disagree. I need to assess the zoning ordinances and the different options before I can answer that question. I would prefer to make the zoning laws even stronger to prevent developers from taking advantage of the state mandates for affordable housing to overbuild and overdevelop our town.

Towns should implement programs to remove food waste from the trash stream.

Disagree. We can develop educational programs for the residents to accomplish this without burdening the town with more costs. Our recycling programs are working very well and we have to be careful about cost. If this can be achieved by education and not additional costs, then it achieves the desired outcome with no cost to the town.

2021 TALK Forum

In 2021, Rachna attended the T.A.L.K. Forum. In this forum, she answered the following questions. Please click on the question to see the full transcript of her answer.

Republican Open Forum

ChatGPT was asked to describe Rachna given the text of the Republican Open Forum.

  • Expresses concern about the increase in taxes, affecting both Democrats and Republicans.
  • Believes that Republican candidates can offer new perspectives to reduce spending and taxes.
  • Wants to make Glastonbury affordable for its residents.

Social Media

We were unable to locate any public social media accounts for Rachna.