Leora Levy is proud to serve as the Republican National Committeewoman for the State of Connecticut since 2016. Leora was born in Havana, Cuba and escaped Castro’s Communist Revolution with her family in 1960. She was honored to be nominated by President Donald Trump to be the US Ambassador to Chile in October of 2019.
Leora has always felt that her life has been a blessed one. The driving principles of her life have been inspired by the concept of “tikkun olam,” “to repair the world: to raise her sons well, to give back to her community and to her country for those blessings from which she has benefited.” The United States has been a haven and heaven for her family.
We don’t need another timid Republican who will abandon or betray us when it comes down to the important votes. Drawing a strong contrast with Dick Blumenthal is the only way to win the Senate seat
Levy for Senate Website
Voting Record
We don’t have a voting record, but we can find in interviews comments on how Leora would have voted.
We can capture what Leora said during media interviews about specific issues.
- Student Debt : I do not support forgiving student loan debt. That is debt that is held by the taxpayers by the united states.
- CRT : What I’m concerned about in our educational system is the teaching of critical race theory.
Gun Rights
- Gun Violence : The answer is not in penalizing law abiding citizens by removing their second amendment rights. The answer in securing our schools, increasing funding for mental health, training our local police
- School Shootings : She said she would support arming teachers, if they are trained
- Red Flag Laws : She objected to a provision encouraging states to pass laws like one in Connecticut that authorizes the temporary seizure of firearms from owners deemed unfit
- Transgender Rights : “There is a difference between boys and girls,” she said. “Boys do not belong in girls’ sports or in their locker rooms.”
- Transgender Rights : “Transgenders have the same rights as any other American Citizen. I happen to oppose the teaching of any inappropriate sexual curriculum and transgender curriculum, and the efforts to teach our children that they can be either gender”
- Immigration : Levy opposed giving permanent legal status to the 800,000 young adults under DACA, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
Reproductive Rights
- Birth Control : As a woman, I’m in favor of anyone who wants to use birth control to be able to buy it and use it.
- Abortion : Leora opposed to all abortions, except in cases where a pregnancy is a consequence of rape or endangers the life of the pregnant person
- As director of Soldier Strong, Leora oversaw the organization’s mission to provide paralyzed veterans with “exoskeleton suits” that aid in walking and standing
Platform Issues
These are the platform issues she lists on her website.
- Reproductive Rights : Leora is a champion for the Pro-Life movement and will fight to protect the miracle of life. Leora signed The Big Family Pledge solidifying her belief in the beginning of life from conception.
- Immigration : Leora believes that closing our U.S. borders is paramount in the pursuit of safety and security for our country. U.S. border security is under constant threat and must be enforced.
- Israel : Leora will be a strong clear voice for America and for maintaining an unbreakable alliance between the US and Israel. The Government of Iran is an evil regime, the foremost state sponsor of terrorism in the world and the enemy of all freedom-loving Peoples
- Masks and Vaccines : Leora will always defend Parental Rights and Freedom of Choice for wearing masks and vaccinations. Leora is cemented in her belief that the parent knows what is best for their child, not the government.
- Gun Rights : Leora firmly believes in the Right to Bear Arms. Every American has the right to protect their family, themselves, and their property.
- Ukraine : If Putin is allowed to take Ukraine in an immoral, unprovoked, genocidal invasion, our world will never be the same and tyranny will have won.
This is THE YEAR for conservatives to run. The national political environment has not been this favorable since 1994, Joe Biden’s incompetence and his dangerous policies and those of his radical allies, including Dick Blumenthal, have led to disaster at home and abroad. Hard-working, hard-pressed Democrats are ready to embrace a principals, conservative alternative.
Levy for Senate Website
Civil Rights
Currently Leora is listed as showing “Unknown” for civil rights. This does not mean that she is against civil rights — It means we have not seen any tweets, interviews or comments supporting civil rights. He comments on transgender rights are shown above.
News Articles / Press Releases
Social Media
Often a candidates true opinions can be found on their twitter feed.