Deep Roots in Farming Soil
John Cavanna is the epitome of a Glastonbury native, born and raised on the same farmland that has been in his family for 120 years. This heritage offers a unique vantage point from which John views the town he loves, driving him to run for the Glastonbury Town Council. A farmer at heart, he’s as local as it gets, having spent his life tilling the land and understanding the terrain of Glastonbury in a deeply intimate manner.

The Farmer-Turned-Councilman
John’s entrance into politics was propelled by a profound love for his community and a growing concern over its future direction. Since 2021, he has served on the town council, endeavoring to be the voice for those who share his concerns. While he doesn’t claim to be the most educated or a natural politician, his 17-year stint as a police sergeant in a nearby city endows him with a balanced and unique perspective on local governance, particularly in public safety.

If there is one thing they’re not making more of in this town, it’s land

2022 Town Council Meeting

Political Ideals and Stances
John is not one to mince words. He stands for the prudent use of taxpayers’ money, the preservation of open land, and robust public safety departments. Unsurprisingly, for a man who’s watched acre-by-acre development encroach upon open farmlands, he is wary of over-development, rising taxes, and deteriorating quality of life. His political compass is oriented by what he refers to as “old-fashioned values,” values that lead him to raise his voice, often loudly, against what he perceives as wrong, irrespective of political affiliations or personal repercussions.

A Bridge Across Divides
It’s worth noting that John appreciates the service of those who came before him, like Kurt Cavanaugh and Tom Gullotta. He acknowledges that these long-term residents and others on the Republican slate have an intrinsic understanding of Glastonbury’s fabric, just like him. This belief in unity amid diversity is part of what makes John a unique and formidable advocate for the community.

His Vision for Glastonbury
John’s vision for the town harks back to an “older way of life,” where people walked their dogs in Cotton Hollow without fear, and community members looked out for one another. This ethos is what he aims to restore: a community safe from the protests and violence that characterize the national landscape, bound by mutual concern and trust. You can see this today through John’s efforts to reduce crime in South Glastonbury. If re-elected, John pledges to be an approachable, responsive councilman, encouraging residents to voice their worries, and promises to tackle them with an unyielding work ethic.

Anybody who thinks this (This Book is Gay) is the type of material that a child in our school system should be reading, I think it’s silly. I’m all for the education. I don’t see anything educational in this.

June 13th 2023 Town Council Meeting (1:02:54)

John’s Quote from Glastonbury Life
I am invested in the well being of the community and want to be the voice of individu- als that are either too busy to speak on town topics or perhaps nervous or embarrassed to stand up and voice their concerns. There is worry in some residents’ minds that if they speak up they might be “canceled.” To individuals that may feel that way, I encourage you, regardless of party affiliation, to reach out to me, I will carry that weight.

Voting History

Affordable Housing

Social Issues



Town Management


Citizen Questions

The range of response: strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree

What are the three greatest challenges facing the community, and how will you address them?

Taxes, crime and overdevelopment. As I read the question, I cringe at the thought of providing the same cookie cutter answer that every other wannabe politician does from one ocean to the next. If you want to lower taxes, stop wasting our NEIGHBORS money! If we don’t need it, the town shouldn’t buy it. I spend money like it’s coming out of the pockets of all the residents in town I know and care about… because it is. But folks need to understand, the town operating budget is a goldfish swim- ming in the pond with the Board of Education shark. As a councilman, we simply don’t continue to increase the school budget. The school board needs to trim the fat. I apologize it won’t let me type more than 750 words.

Zoning ordinances in town do not allow for adequate supply of housing across the income spectrum.

Agree. I don’t want affordable housing popping up all over town, especially at the cost of the residents that reside in town. the Democrats in town are spending millions of dollars on affordable housing. Your tax money! I want to make sure we can afford to keep the current residents in town, not force them out because their fixed income doesn’t keep pace with the rising taxes.

Towns should implement programs to remove food waste from the trash stream.

Strongly agree. These are just a few ways it saves money: on fuel due to decreased tonnage on the roads, decreased money spent on truck maintenance, less wasted man hours and it’s green! What’s not to love? As a farmer, I love the idea of making food waste into compost.


Anybody who thinks this (This Book is Gay) is the type of material that a child in our school system should be reading, I think it’s silly. I’m all for the education. I don’t see anything educational in this.

June 13th 2023 Town Council Meeting (1:02:54)

Republican Open Forum

ChatGPT was asked to describe John given the text of the Republican Open Forum.

  • Advocates for more scrutiny on the Board of Education budget and questions where the money is going
  • Concerned about the lack of transparency in the Board of Education budget.
  • Cavanna is cautious and somewhat critical of discussions related to gender identity and affirmation

Social Media

John has a facebook profile that he infrequently updates.