Roe vs Wade was overturned.  If Obergefell vs Hodges was overturned, would you support codifying same-sex marriage?


Which bathroom should a transgender woman use?

Women’s bathroom

Is it OK for a teacher with a same sex parter to have a picture of them and their spouse on their desk?

Of course.

Do you support the repeal of affirmative action?


Do you support term limits for members of congress or justices?

I would not be opposed to that.

Is it acceptable for companies, like Facebook or Twitter, to block content? 

Generally yes, but of course there is sometimes a fine line. However, this issue is primarily a federal level issue, and is very difficult for states to handle due to the nature of the internet.

Do companies like Facebook or Twitter, have a moral obligation to block misinformation that could cost lives — like anti-vaxx conspiracy theories?  

Sure. But, again primarily a federal issue.

Do you support Connecticut towns ability to handle their own zoning rights? (in regards to 8-30g)

Generally yes.  I think it’s fine for towns to come up with their own plans of conservation and development, and have orderly zoning. In regards to 8-30g, it’s not a perfect law, but the purpose is to make sure there is affordable housing everywhere in Connecticut, and I think that is a noble goal and the right policy. However, there are some examples in Glastonbury recently that show where it might be worthwhile for us to look at some amendments to 8-30g.

Should the money follow the student for purposes of private schools?

Not for private schools, and I don’t support any kind of vouchers.  Situations such as Magnet schools and special education are different in that the town has to subsidize those students to a degree, although I know that can be costly. Generally speaking, we need to find ways to fund more education across the board.

Do you support prayer in schools?

Generally no.  It’s a slippery slope to separation of church and state.

Do you support equal funds going to trade school scholarships as 4 year college scholarships?  When it comes to state grants, should they be treated the same?

Yes. That’s something I’ve fought for during my time in legislature.   There are already some ways to finance degrees in the trades – for instance, through the PACT program at community colleges, but we can always do more.

What grade level, if any, should Critical Race Theory be taught in classes?

That’s a hard question to answer because not everyone agrees on or understands the definition of “Critical Race Theory.”   My understanding is that CRT was originally a concept taught in some law school classes and not really in many other places. However, at all levels we should include some elements of diversity, equity and inclusion in our school curriculum. 

Was the recent student loan forgiveness by the Biden administration a good idea.

I think it’s a reasonable middle ground between doing nothing and what some proponents were asking for.  It’s not a perfect solution, for instance we could have looked at forgiveness for different types of job sectors or lowered the income limit, but by and large I support the policy, as student loan debt is a huge issue.

What is the biggest difference between you and your opponent in this race?

My opponent reached out to me many times as her legislator and wanted me to vote against the reproductive rights bill we passed, as she was evidently opposed.  I fully support women’s reproductive rights.

The Glastonbury Citizen Interview

These questions Jason answered in The Glastonbury Citizen. While we provide the questions here, we suggest getting a subscription to the paper — as a good citizen is a well read citizen.

If the early voting referendum passes, what measures would you support or oppose for early voting, and how would you address the impact on local election officials?

I was proud to vote to support the early voting referendum in 2021 and look forward to seeing it pass this year. As some other states are moving to restrict voting rights, it is remarkable that Connecticut is still one of six states that does not allow some form of early voting. That is why it is so important for Connecticut to take this step and make voting easier and more accessible for every eligible Connecticut citizen.

Would you support or oppose a bill providing for aid in dying for terminally ill patients similar to what was passed by the Public Health Committee last year? Please explain.

I strongly support medical aid in dying and have been one of the most vocal proponents and cosponsors of this legislation for the past several years. Ten other states and D.C. have already implemented this and I believe Connecticut needs to be next in ensuring every competent adult with a medically confirmed terminal illness can make a careful and informed decision to choose a peaceful end of life if that is what they desire.

My late father was one of those who expressed such a desire and his experience has solidified my outlook in the issue. Poll after poll (including my own constituent survey) shows that Connecticut residents overwhelmingly support this legislation, and for as long as I serve, I plan to sponsor it until we get it passed.