Jill Barry (Incumbent)

Representing the 31st House District since 2018, Jill Barry is a responsive leader focused on supporting small businesses, protecting our public health, and delivering the top-notch education Glastonbury has come to expect. As the Vice Chair of the Education Committee and a member of the influential Finance, Revenue, and Bonding Committee, Jill works to deliver responsible budgets for Glastonbury and Connecticut.
During the Covid-19 crisis, Jill has worked around the clock to make sure Glastonbury residents get the support they need with unemployment claims, rental forbearance, and more. She has supported small businesses in their loan applications, and worked hard to make sure our schools can reopen safely.
Jill is running unopposed in 2024.
Voting Record
The proof is in the pudding. You can look at her voting record to see her positions on these issues. The names of bills do not necessarily reflect what’s inside them. Someone might be for Mandatory Childhood Vaccines but vote against the bill due the way that they believe it was implemented. If you are curious about why your representative voted a specific way, contact them and ask.
- Voted YES to SB-501 : Amends Motor Vehicle Property Tax Assessments
- Voted NO to HB 6930 : Amends How Cost-of-Living Increases are Calculated
- Voted YES to SB-7 : Expands Protections for Connecticut’s Energy Customers
- Voted NO to SB-998 : Establishes a Tax Abatement for Certain Conservation Easements and Amends Affordable Housing Regulations for Residents
- Voted YES to HB-6481 : Prohibits the Release of Helium and Other Lighter-than-Air Balloons
- Voted YES to HB-5330 : Expands Permanently a State Work Zone Camera Program
- Voted YES to HB-5474 : Requires All Municipalities Submit an Annual Report to the Office of Responsible Growth
- Voted YES to HB 5523 : Appropriates Funding for the State Higher Education Budget
- Voted YES to HB-5438 : Establishes New Professional Development Programs for Teachers
- Voted YES to HB-5003 : Increases Education Funding By Changing Formula for Funding and Removing Tuition
- Voted YES to SB-1 : Establishes Transparency Requirements in Education
- Voted YES to HB-5414 : Authorize Protection for Reproductive Rights
- Voted YES to HB-6003 : Establishes a $25 Cap on Insulin Prices
- Voted YES to HB-6423 : Rescinds the Religious Exemption for Mandatory Childhood Vaccines
- Voted YES to SB-1108 : Increases Access to Reproductive Healthcare at Public Higher Education Institutions
- Voted YES to HB-5046 : Prohibits Nursing Homes from Placing New Residents in Rooms with More than 2 Beds
- Voted YES to SB-1 : Authorizes Various Healthcare Reforms and Improvements – Connecticut Key Vote
- Voted YES to HB-6689 : Establishes Student Loan Subsidies for Certain Health Care Professionals
- Voted YES to HB-6768 : Authorizes Pharmacists to Prescribe Birth Control
- Voted YES to HB-5444 : Specify Unfair Labor Practices
- Voted NO to SB-1 : Establishes Paid Family and Medical Leave
- Voted YES to HB-5504 : Increases the Minimum Wage to $15 Dollars Per Hour
- Voted YES to SB-121 : Establishes Guidelines for the Attorney General to Enforce the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
- Voted NO to HB-5431 : Establishes the Connecticut Families and Workers Account
- Voted YES to HB-6820 : Requires Protections for Medical Providers from Adverse Actions Taken by Another State
- Voted YES to HB-6001 : Authorizes Suspension of Gas Taxes and Extension of the Free Bus Service
Law and Order
- Voted NO to SB-1059 : Limit use of Solitary Confinement
- Co-sponsor to HB-5417 : Authorize Access to Juvenile Records
- Voted YES to SB-1091 : Expand definition of domestic abuse to include coercive control
- Voted NO to SB-1019 : Rescind the Criminal Records for Low-Level Felonies and Misdemeanors
- Voted NO on HB-6004 : Establishes Independent Inspector General to Investigate Police Shootings and Illegal Uses of Force
- Voted YES to SB-1196 : Requires Probable Cause for a Police Body Search
- Voted YES to HB-6667 : Amends Various State Gun Control Measures
- Voted YES to HB-6441 : Authorizes Climate Change Adaptation for Shoreline and Inland Communities
- Votes YES to HB-7083 : Requires Climate Change Education in School Curriculum
- Voted YES to SB-1037 : Expands the Types of Bottles and Cans that Can be Recycled
- Voted NO to HB-5004 : Amends Various State Climate Change Regulations to Reduce Greenhouse Gases
- Voted NO to SB-1202 : Extends Convicted Felons’ Voting Rights if They are Committed to Confinement
- Voted YES to HB-6002 : Authorizes Statewide Absentee Voting
- Voted YES to HB-7160 : Authorizes Voting Access to Parolees
- Voted YES to HB-6569 : Increases the Minimum Age to Marry to 18 Years Old
- Voted YES to HB-6639 : Requires Timely Scheduling of Temporary Financial Support Hearings in Divorce Proceedings
- Voted YES to HJ-34 : Establishes a Joint Resolution Recognizing the Harm Done by the Salem Witch Trials
About Jill Barry
As a mother, volunteer, and public servant, Jill has long been a champion for Glastonbury.
Prior to her election to the State House in 2018, Jill served as Vice Chair of the Glastonbury Town Council. She worked hard to build relationships across the aisle to get things done, and she knows how to find common ground to accomplish the common good. During her time on the Council, Jill assisted businesses seeking to expand or relocate. She initiated and passed the “Tobacco Free Parks” program in Glastonbury after hearing concerns from parents and coaches who saw people smoking near children at baseball games.
The people of Glastonbury know that if they have a concern, Jill will listen and work for a solution. Since entering the legislature, she has held numerous town hall meetings and community forums on important matters like the state budget, gun violence prevention, school reopening, and more. She has worked behind the scenes with small businesses and individuals to help navigate the challenges of grants, unemployment claims, and other assistance programs.
Jill’s commitment to public service goes beyond her work in the General Assembly. She has been a Girl Scout Leader, a Religious Education Teacher at St. Dunstan’s Church, and she always makes time to volunteer at her children’s schools. The Connecticut Association of Schools has even recognized Jill’s exceptional work, bestowing her with two awards for her volunteerism in 2014 and 2017.
Jill currently works as an Account Manager at Graff Wood Association Management Solutions. There she provides accounting, budgeting, and strategic planning for clients—skills that serve her well in the ongoing economic challenges in Hartford.

Kevin Nursick

A Lifetime of Glastonbury
Kevin Nursick, a lifelong resident of Glastonbury, Connecticut, offers a spirited perspective as a Republican candidate for the Glastonbury Town Council. With over 40 years of strong community ties, Kevin is deeply concerned about the changing character and shifting priorities of his beloved town. He’s noted that Glastonbury is on a trajectory of perpetual development, becoming less affordable for current residents with each passing election cycle.
Background and Career
Kevin is a product of the Glastonbury school system and graduated from Glastonbury High School in 1991. He then went on to have a distinguished 17-year career as the Spokesman for the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT). Before his time at CTDOT, he served a four-year term in the Governor’s Office.
He holds a degree in Criminal Justice. During his college years, Kevin gained hands-on experience through internships in the Connecticut General Assembly, the Governor’s Office, and the campus police department. He also served two seasons with the Metropolitan District Commission Police Department as a Summer Patrolman.
A Taxpayer’s Perspective
Throughout his time at the CTDOT, Kevin was committed to maintaining an outsider’s, or rather, a taxpayer’s perspective. He felt it was both his personal and professional obligation to be transparent, accurate, and direct with the public. Kevin plans to bring this same approach to the Town Council by focusing on what truly matters to taxpayers and residents. He’s concerned about the overdevelopment, the increasing financial burdens on families, and the deteriorating sense of safety in Glastonbury.
A Listening Ear and An Open Mind
Kevin understands that not everyone will agree with him on every detail—such is the nature of community and democracy. However, he is always willing to listen and remain open-minded, hoping to build consensus wherever possible.
More can be done to address crime
Glastonbury Candidate Video
Kevin’s Quote from Glastonbury Life
I believe firmly in putting the concerns of taxpayers first and foremost in government operations and considerations. During my years at the CTDOT, I prided myself on always keeping an outsider’s perspective – a taxpayer’s perspective – feeling it was my personal and professional obligation to be transparent, accurate, and straight talking with the people paying the bills – you, the public. With your support, I intend to bring that same mentality to the Town Council by focusing on what truly matters to taxpayers and residents of our once small town by maintaining a modest, fiscally restrained, and cost-effective town government while holding onto and rebuilding the rural character and lifestyle that is slowly disappearing from Glastonbury. Overdevelopment, increasing financial burdens being placed on residents and families, and a less safe feeling in town than most can ever recall, are just some of the concerns that I have and wish to address.
Citizen Questions
The range of response: strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree
What are the three greatest challenges facing the community, and how will you address them?
Keeping Glastonbury affordable for existing residents must be prioritized. The cost of living in town is outpacing the financial capacities of too many families and individuals. Fiscal restraint in town expenditures must be observed to help maintain affordability. Resistance to, better management of, and the requirement of mitigative measures should be applied to new developments to better preserve existing neighborhoods and the suburban character of town. Assisting our law enforcement team to proactively deter crime should be a priority. Allocation of appropriate resources, partnering with communities and neighborhoods, and hosting crime-specific open forums for the public to present concerns and ideas to officials should occur.
Zoning ordinances in town do not allow for adequate supply of housing across the income spectrum.
Neither agree nor disagree. I feel that our zoning ordinances and requirements have functioned well at allowing housing for differing income levels. I DO NOT support changing zoning in cases such as the recently proposed, large and densely packed development for Feldspar Ridge, which would have permanent, detrimental consequences for the nearby residents and neighborhoods.
Towns should implement programs to remove food waste from the trash stream.
Neither agree nor disagree. I recognize that Glastonbury has a food waste collection program already in place. Assuming an ongoing analysis of the entirety of the program establishes a net environmental benefit, I would support it. Any costs of the program that may end up needing to be passed on should not be borne by all taxpayers in town, but rather just those participating in the program.
Letters to Editor
You can often learn a great deal about a candidate from their letters written to the Glastonbury Citizen. The link to to the letter text is found in the dates below.
The letter focuses on the shared concerns of Glastonbury residents about increasing property taxes, public safety, and the negative impacts of overdevelopment, while promising fiscal restraint, improved police deterrence capabilities, and resistance to large-scale developments. (co-wrote with Kim Finocchiaro)
November 2nd 2023
Republican Open Forum
ChatGPT was asked to describe Kevin given the text of the Republican Open Forum.
- Highlights the challenges faced by long-time residents in affording to stay in Glastonbury.
- Advocates for a holistic approach to budget examination to find areas for savings.
- Stresses the importance of affordability for long-time residents.