Republican Candidate
Democrat Candidate

Jill Barry (Incumbent)

Representing the 31st House District since 2018, Jill Barry is a responsive leader focused on supporting small businesses, protecting our public health, and delivering the top-notch education Glastonbury has come to expect. As the Vice Chair of the Education Committee and a member of the influential Finance, Revenue, and Bonding Committee, Jill works to deliver responsible budgets for Glastonbury and Connecticut.

During the Covid-19 crisis, Jill has worked around the clock to make sure Glastonbury residents get the support they need with unemployment claims, rental forbearance, and more. She has supported small businesses in their loan applications, and worked hard to make sure our schools can reopen safely.

In good times and bad, Jill is here for all of us!

Growing Jobs in Glastonbury: Jill has worked to support our small businesses during the pandemic by helping them access grants, and fighting for commercial rent forgiveness for small businesses.

Championing Our Schools: From her time on the Town Council to her position on the Education Committee, Jill has long been a passionate advocate for students. She is committed to delivering equitable education opportunities across Connecticut, and has proposed a pilot program for universal Pre-K in disadvantaged communities.

Holding Utilities Accountable: In the aftermath of Tropical Storm Isais, hundreds of thousands of families and businesses were left without power. Jill is determined to hold Eversource and United Illuminating accountable. She has also proposed a municipal-run power company in Glastonbury.

Meeting with Jill

Jill Barry was gracious enough to meet with us multiple times and answer questions. The takeaways are listed below

  • Jill is part of the moderate caucus.
  • Jill is not afraid to stand for what she believes in, and has voted against other Democrats in the past, such as the Police Accountability Bill.
  • Jill represents the entire community. She listens to all her constituents and tries her best to represent us all.
  • Jill has worked across the isle on many bi-partisan bills to pass quality legislation, including SB-2 : Expands Preschool, Mental, and Behavioral Services for Children
  • Jill believes in affordable housing, but thinks 8-30g is flawed and needs amendments. Jill has been present for every town council hearing on 8-30g in the past 4 months and is invested in this issue.
  • Jill would codify same-sex marriage if it were under threat.
  • Jill believes big tech companies should stop misinformation that could cost lives.

Glastonbury Citizen Interview

These questions Jill answered in The Glastonbury Citizen. While we provide the questions here, we suggest getting a subscription to the paper — as a good citizen is a well read citizen.

If the early voting referendum passes, what measures would you support or oppose for early voting, and how would you address the impact on local election officials?

Connecticut has made great strides recently in voting reform. In 2021, I was happy to support the early voting bill to send it to the referendum. If passed, the rollout should be planned in a way as not to overwhelm local communities. Staffing and funding to support the expanded services will be an issue. To start, we should try having one polling location in every down open for one to three days prior to Election Day for general elections. There may be different early voting periods for municipal or primary elections. Connecticut should join the 46 other states that allow early voting. The time period for early voting varies from state to state. Ultimately, a conversation with town election officials is necessary to determine the logistics.

Would you support or oppose a bill providing for aid in dying for terminally ill patients similar to what was passed by the Public Health Committee last year? Please explain.

There is no easy answer to this question, nor should there be. At one point in my political career, I opposed aid in dying, but then I met a Glastonbury resident Kim Hoffman. She was dying of terminal ovarian cancer and a staunch advocate for aid in dying. We had many long thoughtful conversations at Wind Hill Farm. I garnered an appreciation for life from Kim despite her slowly dying before my eyes. It was a transformative experience. Her dying wish was that aid-in-dying legislation be passed in Connecticut. She wanted me to promise, as her representative, that I would support it. A promise is a promise. I sorely miss you, Kim.

Glastonbury Police Support

During the graduation ceremony for the Glastonbury Citizens Police Academy, Marshall Porter — the Chief of Police — described the Glastonbury police department to be “lucky to have a state representative who supports us as much as Jill Barry”.

Platform Issues

Jill’s website goes into more detail on teach of these issues.

  • Economy : While in elected office and throughout her professional experience as a CPA specializing in municipal accounting, Jill has proven she knows how to tackle difficult financial situations.
  • Education : Jill is firmly committed to providing our children with access to the resources they need to succeed.
  • Energy, Environment & Infrastructure : Glastonbury’s open spaces are a treasure, and Jill has fought hard to preserve them for generations to come. Dhe is committed to holding Eversource accountable for price hikes. Jill will work to preserve funding for our critical infrastructure.
  • Healthcare : Jill supports strong healthcare policies including lowered costs for prescription medication and protecting a woman’s right to choose
  • Veterans & First Responders : Jill is passionate about serving those who serve us.
  • Pubic Safety : Jill has worked tirelessly to respond to juvenile crime, auto thefts, and the increase in crime in our community

Voting Record

The proof is in the pudding. You can look at her voting record to see her positions on these issues.



Law and Order




Social Media

Jill’s has been active on her social media. Often you can learn more about a candidate here than anywhere else.

About Jill Barry

As a mother, volunteer, and public servant, Jill has long been a champion for Glastonbury.

Prior to her election to the State House in 2018, Jill served as Vice Chair of the Glastonbury Town Council. She worked hard to build relationships across the aisle to get things done, and she knows how to find common ground to accomplish the common good. During her time on the Council, Jill assisted businesses seeking to expand or relocate. She initiated and passed the “Tobacco Free Parks” program in Glastonbury after hearing concerns from parents and coaches who saw people smoking near children at baseball games.

The people of Glastonbury know that if they have a concern, Jill will listen and work for a solution. Since entering the legislature, she has held numerous town hall meetings and community forums on important matters like the state budget, gun violence prevention, school reopening, and more. She has worked behind the scenes with small businesses and individuals to help navigate the challenges of grants, unemployment claims, and other assistance programs.

Jill’s commitment to public service goes beyond her work in the General Assembly. She has been a Girl Scout Leader, a Religious Education Teacher at St. Dunstan’s Church, and she always makes time to volunteer at her children’s schools. The Connecticut Association of Schools has even recognized Jill’s exceptional work, bestowing her with two awards for her volunteerism in 2014 and 2017.

Jill currently works as an Account Manager at Graff Wood Association Management Solutions. There she provides accounting, budgeting, and strategic planning for clients—skills that serve her well in the ongoing economic challenges in Hartford.

Gary Giannelli

Gary Giannelli graduated from Xavier High School in Middletown, CT. He earned a BA in English from Dartmouth College and an MBA from Duke University. Gary went on to management in purchasing, sales, manufacturing, insurance, and distribution. Mr. Giannelli has volunteered at Hartford’s ImmaCare Housing Shelter for over twenty-five years.

He is a Eucharistic Minister, Parish Council president, lector and a volunteer Catechist at St Augustine Parish. Gary has also served on the Glastonbury Department of Emergency Management for the last six years.

Whoever has love in their heart always has something to give..

Paraphrase of Pope John XXIII

Glastonbury Citizen Ads

Gary has posted an ad for this website in the Glastonbury Citizen as part of his campaign ads. Gary understands that this gives his opponent equal opportunity, and still has done so.

Gary In the Citizen

Gary has a lengthy interview in the Glastonbury Citizen where he went into a deep dive into a variety of topics. You can read the article here

Meeting with Gary

Gary was kind enough to meet with us for an extended meeting to cover a number of topics that are important. We have included summaries of each of these descriptions below.

  • Abortion Rights : Gary believes that life begins at conception. Gary would not support any expansion of abortions, and would rather see less than more. Gary does not support late term abortions. Gary believes exceptions should be made for risk of the mother, rape or incest. Gary supports giving women the tools to consider options other than abortion, and Gary believes we should help new mothers become successful parents.
  • Business : We need tax policies that encourage businesses to operate here in Connecticut, and not just high taxes onto the customers. Gary will work to promote policy that makes it easier to get started in businesses, and less expensive to stay in business.
  • Economy : Connecticut is a very expensive state to live in. There is not a tax Connecticut does not like, and there is not a budget Connecticut won’t spend. We need budgets that make sense.
  • Education : Schools should increase focus on STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) to increase our children’s ability to succeed. This can be done without sacrificing focus in the arts — as arts and education go hand in hand. Moral values should be taught by parents and not teachers as parents are the primary teachers of children. Gary believes the tax dollars should follow the student.
  • Energy : Gary believes the answer to the question “What kind of energy should we use?” is “All of the above — on a practical timeline”. Gary will stop the unnecessarily increases of our Eversource power bill by holding regulatory committees accountable.
  • Vocational Training : College is not right for everyone. Gary supports high school vocational training to help students succeed right out of school.
  • Environment : Connecticut continues to have a clean environment — and practical regulations need to be enforced to secure the environment without hurting business.
  • Right to Bear Arms : Gary is a lifetime member of the NRA. He supports common sense regulations like background checks and red flag laws. Gary would repeal the bill preventing the sale of semi automatic rifles.
  • LGBTQ+ : Gary believes that we’re all God’s children and we should all be treated with dignity and respect. He would not discriminate, and will ensure that we stop indoctrination.
  • Election Security : Elections should be secure. Gary supports voter ID laws, and supports free IDs for every citizen. Gary accepts the outcome of the 2020 election and wants any irregularities in that, or any other, election investigated. Gary supports a national or state holiday for election day.
  • Safety : Gary supports police and law enforcement, and believes that qualified immunity can be restored with fair and practical oversight. Gary is against any revolving door policy that allows criminals to get back onto the street.

Voting Record

Gary has no voting record, but he met with us in an extended interview and commented on how he would have voted on a number of issues.



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Alex Wood Article

Alex Wood wrote an excellent article about this race, which you can read here.

Hot Button Issues

A list of definitions for each issue can be found here.