Jason Doucette (Incumbent)

Jason is currently seeking his fourth term as State Representative for the 13th House District (Manchester, Glastonbury). In a short time, he has already distinguished himself as an effective legislator with a long list of legislative accomplishments and as a strong advocate for Manchester and Glastonbury in Hartford. In 2019, he stepped up to serve as the acting Chair of the Banking Committee, something a first-year representative had never done, and continues to serve as the House Chair. He also serves as a member of the important Finance Revenue & Bonding and Judiciary Committees.
He is a proud Democrat and has a long record of civic involvement in Manchester, having served on the Board of Directors (Town Council), Workforce Development Commission, Planning and Zoning Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals, School Modernization and Revitalization Committee (SMARTR 1), and Redevelopment Agency, among many others. While in law school at UConn, he served as a law clerk at the Connecticut General Assembly for the House Majority Leader. He has also been a coach for Manchester Little League for several years, a volunteer with the Highland Park School PTA and Boy Scout Troop 27, is a past President (and alumnus) of CAST Children’s Theatre, and has been known to moonlight as a drummer or guitarist in local rock and blues bands.
Voting Record
Actions speak louder than words, and those actions are listed in their voting record. The names of bills do not necessarily reflect what’s inside them. Someone might be for Mandatory Childhood Vaccines but vote against the bill due the way that they believe it was implemented. If you are curious about why your representative voted a specific way, contact them and ask.
- Voted YES to SB-501 – Amends Motor Vehicle Property Tax Assessments
- Voted YES to HB 6930 : Amends How Cost-of-Living Increases are Calculated
- Voted YES to SB-7 : Expands Protections for Connecticut’s Energy Customers
- Voted YES to SB-998 : Establishes a Tax Abatement for Certain Conservation Easements and Amends Affordable Housing Regulations for Residents
- Voted YES to HB-6481 : Prohibits the Release of Helium and Other Lighter-than-Air Balloons
- Voted YES to HB-5330 : Expands Permanently a State Work Zone Camera Program
- Voted YES to HB-5474 : Requires All Municipalities Submit an Annual Report to the Office of Responsible Growth
- Voted YES to HB 5523 : Appropriates Funding for the State Higher Education Budget
- Voted YES to HB-5438 : Establishes New Professional Development Programs for Teachers
- Voted YES to HB-5003 : Increases Education Funding By Changing Formula for Funding and Removing Tuition
- Voted YES to SB-1 : Establishes Transparency Requirements in Education
- Voted YES to SB-121 : Establishes Guidelines for the Attorney General to Enforce the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
- Voted YES to HB-5431 : Establishes the Connecticut Families and Workers Account
- Co-sponsor to SB-2 : Establishes Several Artificial Intelligence Regulations and Prohibitions
- Voted YES to HB-6001 : Authorizes Suspension of Gas Taxes and Extension of the Free Bus Service
- Voted YES to SB-6 : expand data privacy protections
- Voted YES to HB-5504 : Increases the Minimum Wage to $15 Dollars Per Hour
- Voted YES to HB-5046 : Prohibits Nursing Homes from Placing New Residents in Rooms with More than 2 Beds
- Voted YES to SB-1 : Authorizes Various Healthcare Reforms and Improvements
- Voted YES to SB-1108 : Increases Access to Reproductive Healthcare at Public Higher Education Institutions
- Voted YES to HB-6820 : Requires Protections for Medical Providers from Adverse Actions Taken by Another State
- Voted YES to HB-6689 : Establishes Student Loan Subsidies for Certain Health Care Professionals
- Voted YES to HB-6768 : Authorizes Pharmacists to Prescribe Birth Control
- Co-sponsor to HB-5414 : authorize protection for reproductive rights
- Voted YES to HB-6003 : Establishes a $25 Cap on Insulin Prices
- Voted YES to HB-6423 : Rescinds the Religious Exemption for Mandatory Childhood Vaccines
Law and Order
- Voted YES to SB-1196 : Requires Probable Cause for a Police Body Search
- Voted YES to HB-6667 : Amends Various State Gun Control Measures
- Voted YES to SB-1059 : limit use of solitary confinement
- Voted YES to SB-1091 : expand definition of domestic abuse to include coercive control
- Voted YES to HB-6004 : Establishes Independent Inspector General to Investigate Police Shootings and Illegal Uses of Force
- Voted YES to SB-992 : Limits Cooperation Between Local Law Enforcement and Federal Immigration Agencies
- Voted YES to HB-6569 : Increases the Minimum Age to Marry to 18 Years Old
- Voted YES to HB-6639 : Requires Timely Scheduling of Temporary Financial Support Hearings in Divorce Proceedings
- Co-Sponsor on HJ-59 : Authorizes Early Voting in Specific Cases
- Voted YES to HB-5262 : Expands Access to Absentee Voting
- Voted YES to SB-1202 : Extends Convicted Felons’ Voting Rights if They are Committed to Confinement
- Voted YES to HB-6002 : Authorizes Statewide Absentee Voting
- Voted YES to HB-7160 : Authorizes Voting Access to Parolees
- Voted YES to HJ-34 : Establishes a Joint Resolution Recognizing the Harm Done by the Salem Witch Trials
- Voted YES to SB-1 : acknowledge that racism is a public health crisis
- Co-sponsor on bill HB-6665 : Prohibit ‘Whites Only’ Covenants
Meeting With Jason
Jason Doucette was kind enough to meet with us and answer many questions in an interview
On the Issues

Economy, Budget and Taxes
Solving our state’s fiscal crisis and providing tax relief had always been job number one for me. We’ve made tremendous progress in the last four years.
We need to invest in public education in Connecticut, including our technical schools and community colleges, and grow the education-to-workforce pipeline for jobs in high-tech manufacturing.
Healthcare and Reproductive Rights
Connecticut residents need access to quality, affordable healthcare, including reproductive healthcare.
When Washington fails to lead on climate legislation, Connecticut must remain vigilant and fight here at home to preserve the environment for our children – it is important now more than ever.
Common Sense Gun Control
Connecticut should stay on the forefront of common sense regulation.
Voting Rights and Fair Elections
We need to expand voting rights by allowing early voting and continue to protect voting integrity.
Advocating for our Communities and my Constituents
I will continue to be an advocate at the State Capitol for local issues in Manchester and Glastonbury.
Donna Meier

Donna Meier is a strong analytical thinker, an excellent problem solver, and a formidable advocate, she will fight for policies that make Connecticut and our towns safer and more affordable, and she will fight for the right of parents to raise their children without government interference.
Meier is an insurance sales representative at State Farm with experience working in industry and for nonprofits. She holds a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from Bucknell University and a masters degree from Fuller Seminary.
Meier said she decided to run for office because she has talked to many people who feel that their voices and concerns are not being represented in Hartford.
In her words, “I am excited to get out and speak with constituents of District 13 to learn more about their concerns, their hopes, and their ideas for solutions to the challenges we face,”
What Donna Will Do For You
- Donna will work to create a package of long-term tax relief proposals to ease the tax burden on CT residents.
- Donna will fight to protect your local control in all areas of municipal governance. This includes everything from local taxation to planning and zoning.
- Donna will work to create positive partnerships between the police and their communities.
- Donna believes that parents are the first teachers for their children, and will fight for your rights regarding your children’s education and healthcare.
- Donna supports transparency, accountability and ethics in government.
Contract With Connecticut
Donna supports the Republican Contract with Connecticut. This plan has five main points.
- An Affordable Connecticut Act
- The Protecting our Communities Act
- The Families First Act
- The Honesty in Government Act
- The Local Control Act
Reproductive Rights
Donna is pro-child and pro-woman. Donna supports unborn children, and their mothers from conception past birth. Donna wants to expand adoption access for single or married mothers unable to care for their children, and wants to provide the resources to help those mothers who do want to raise their children.
Right to Keep and Bear Arms
- Donna supports the Constitutional right of CT residents to keep and bear arms.
- Donna supports background checks.
- Donna supports keeping people with mental health history from owning firearms when that mental health history shows them being a danger to themselves and others.
- Donna supports keeping people with violence related felony records (including attempted violence) from owning firearms.
- Donna supports requiring all firearms to be stored in a secure location.
Civil Rights
- Donna believes it’s very important for women to have equal rights with men.
- Donna believes that biological males should not participate in women’s sports.
Law Enforcement
- Donna supports qualified immunity for police.
- Donna supports increased police funding and support.
- Donna will fight the automobile crime wave of stolen cars and catalytic converters, including working with neighboring states.
Term Limits
- Donna supports imposing 12 year term limits the U.S. Congress.
- Donna supports imposing 12 year term limits the Connecticut Legislature.
Affordable Housing
- Donna supports affordable housing.
- Donna supports amendments to 8-30g.
About Donna Meier
Donna and her husband, Will, raised their family in a quiet neighborhood on the Manchester/Glastonbury line, where they have lived for 25 years.
Donna is running for state representative for Connecticut’s 13th district because she sees people struggling here in her district. She sees those who are trying desperately to make ends meet. She sees neighbors who are frustrated with midnight car break-ins. She sees children still trying to recover from the Covid-19 setback.
Donna has a long history as a formidable advocate for those who feel their voices are not being heard. Whether it was with her own kids, her foster kids, exchange students or with her aging parents and in-laws, Donna was the one fighting to make sure their voices were heard and their needs were met. She would like to apply that experience and passion to represent her Manchester and Glastonbury neighbors at the state capitol in Hartford.
Donna has a Chemical Engineering degree from Bucknell University and a Master of Divinity degree from Fuller Seminary. These degrees shaped Donna into a woman with an appreciation for both science and soul. In fact, she has worked with both technical industries and non-profits.
Engineering made her an analytical thinker and taught her how to solve problems. Her Master’s degree taught her how to apply those skills to the problems people face in life. Her subsequent work with non-profits equipped her to cast vision, and to develop leaders and teams who could work together to accomplish more than they could do alone. Passing positive legislation in the general assembly will require all these skills.
When Donna is not fighting for a cause or developing practical solutions, she can be found exploring the beautiful outdoors, spending time with family and friends, and enjoying all our great community has to offer.