Harry is running for Connecticut State Treasurer to bring leadership and experience to Hartford. He has over 25 years of experience in investment management and running a successful business in Greenwich. Five years ago, Harry pivoted to public service to give back to his community. As state rep for Connecticut’s 151st district, he has fought tirelessly for his constituents.
Harry and his wife Nisha are raising their three kids in Greenwich. Harry came to the United States from India as a graduate student 27 years ago and naturalized as an American citizen in 2004. Harry truly represents the American dream.
Platform Issues
These platform stances are well defined on his website. We strongly advise looking here to learn more about Harry’s plans.
- Define a Strategy to Fix Connecticut’s Finances
- Improve and Protect our Pension Returns
- Reverse the debt binge
- Work to Reduce Inflationary Pressures
CT Insider Article
Harry Arora wrote an opinion piece for the CT Insider on Aug 17, 2022. In this piece, he covered three primary issues.
- End The Debt Binge : I will ensure that through due diligence is done before any debt is issued.
- Address the Pension Fund Deficit : This pension deficit is the single factor holding our state back. Each year, we pay almost $3 billion in pension expenses.
- Address OPEB/health care benefits shortfall : We have a $25 billion shortfall in the OPEB or health care benefits for our state employees.
Voting Record
The proof is in the pudding. You can look at his voting record to see her positions on these issues.
- Voted NO to HB-5506 : Psychedelic-Assisted Mental Health Treatment Program
- Voted NO to HB-5414 : authorize protection for reproductive rights
- Voted YES to HB-6003 : Establishes a $25 Cap on Insulin Prices
- Voted NO to HB-6423 : Rescinds the Religious Exemption for Mandatory Childhood Vaccines
- Voted YES to SB-6 : expand data privacy protections
- Voted YES to HB-5505 : authorize certification of aerospace projects
- Voted NO to HB-5444 : specify unfair labor practices
Law and Order
- Voted NO to SB-1059 : limit use of solitary confinement
- Voted YES to to HB-5417 : authorize access to juvenile records
- Voted YES to SB-1091 : expand definition of domestic abuse to include coercive control
- Voted NO to SB-1019 : Rescind the Criminal Records for Low-Level Felonies and Misdemeanors
- Voted NO on HB-6004 : Establishes Independent Inspector General to Investigate Police Shootings and Illegal Uses of Force
- Voted NO to SB-992 : Limits Cooperation Between Local Law Enforcement and Federal Immigration Agencies
- Voted NO to SB-1 : acknowledge that racism is a public health crisis
- Voted YES to HB-6515 : prohibit discrimination based on hairstyle
- Voted NO to HB-6441 : Authorizes Climate Change Adaptation for Shoreline and Inland Communities
- Voted YES on SB-1037 : Expands the Types of Bottles and Cans that Can be Recycled
- Voted YES on HJ-59 : Authorizes Early Voting in Specific Cases
- Voted NO on SB-1202 : Extends Convicted Felons’ Voting Rights if They are Committed to Confinement
- Voted YES on HB-6002 : Authorizes Statewide Absentee Voting

Abortion Rights
At the, we are unsure of Harry’s position on abortion rights. His campaign sent out a text saying he was pro-choice (shown below) but he voted against HB-5414 : authorize protection for reproductive rights which contradicts that statement. HB-5414 laid out the same provisions as Roe v. Wade. We replied to the text asking for clarification on this discrepancy, and did not receive a reply.