The document titled “2024 GOP Platform” outlines the Republican Party’s policies and commitments in ten chapters, each focusing on different areas. Here is a summary of each chapter along with references to their locations in the document:

  1. Defeat Inflation and Quickly Bring Down All Prices
    • Unleash American Energy: Lift restrictions on energy production to reduce inflation
    • Rein in Wasteful Federal Spending: Slash government spending to stabilize the economy
    • Cut Costly and Burdensome Regulations: Reinstate deregulatory policies to save households money
    • Stop Illegal Immigration: Secure borders to reduce housing, education, and healthcare costs
    • Restore Peace through Strength: End global chaos to stabilize commodity prices
  2. Seal the Border, and Stop the Migrant Invasion
    • Secure the Border: Complete the border wall and deploy resources to enforce immigration laws
    • Enforce Immigration Laws: Strengthen ICE and increase penalties for illegal entry
    • Begin Largest Deportation Program: Reverse open border policies and remove illegal aliens
    • Strict Vetting: Use federal laws to exclude individuals with anti-American sentiments
    • Stop Sanctuary Cities: Cut federal funding to sanctuary jurisdictions
    • Ensure Our Legal Immigration System Puts American Workers First: Prioritize merit-based immigration
  3. Build the Greatest Economy in History
    • Cut Regulations: Reduce regulations to spur job growth and innovation
    • Make Trump Tax Cuts Permanent: Extend the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act benefits
    • Fair and Reciprocal Trade Deals: Stand up to unfair trade practices and bring supply chains back home
    • Reliable and Abundant Low Cost Energy: Increase energy production and reduce energy costs
    • Champion Innovation: Lead in emerging industries like crypto and AI
  4. Bring Back the American Dream and Make It Affordable Again
    • Housing Affordability: Reduce mortgage rates and promote homeownership
    • Accessible Higher Education: Create affordable alternatives to traditional college degrees
    • Affordable Healthcare: Increase transparency and competition in healthcare
    • Lower Everyday Costs: Reduce regulatory burdens and energy costs to lower living expenses
  5. Protect American Workers and Farmers from Unfair Trade
    • Rebalance Trade: Support tariffs on foreign goods and reduce taxes on Americans
    • Secure Strategic Independence from China: Revoke China’s trade privileges and phase out imports of essential goods
    • Save the American Auto Industry: Reverse harmful regulations and mandates
    • Bring Home Critical Supply Chains: Ensure national security by bringing supply chains back
    • Buy American and Hire American: Strengthen policies to prioritize domestic production
    • Become the Manufacturing Superpower: Restore American manufacturing by protecting workers from unfair competition
  6. Protect Seniors
    • Protect Social Security: Ensure the sustainability of Social Security
    • Strengthen Medicare: Prevent Medicare from being overwhelmed by new beneficiaries
    • Support Active and Healthy Living: Focus on disease prevention and long-term care
    • Protect Care at Home for the Elderly: Support home care and family caregivers
    • Protect Economic Foundations for Supporting Seniors: Tackle inflation and ensure program solvency
  7. Cultivate Great K-12 Schools Leading to Great Jobs and Great Lives for Young People
    • Great Principals and Great Teachers: End teacher tenure and adopt merit pay
    • Universal School Choice: Empower families to choose the best education
    • Prepare Students for Jobs and Careers: Emphasize practical education and career training
    • Safe, Secure, and Drug-Free Schools: Overhaul discipline standards and secure schools
    • Restore Parental Rights: Ensure parents’ control over their children’s education
    • Knowledge and Skills, Not CRT and Gender Indoctrination: Focus on fundamental education rather than political indoctrination
    • Promote Love of Country with Authentic Civics Education: Teach patriotic civics and Western civilization
    • Freedom to Pray: Protect the right to pray and read the Bible in schools (
    • Return Education to the States: Close the Department of Education and return control to states
  8. Bring Common Sense to Government and Renew the Pillars of American Civilization
    • Empower American Families: Promote the sanctity of marriage and childhood
    • Rebuild Our Cities and Restore Law and Order: Replenish police departments and address homelessness
    • Make Washington D.C. the Safest and Most Beautiful Capital City: Reassert federal control to maintain order
    • Take Care of Our Veterans: Use savings from cutting benefits for illegal immigrants to support veterans
    • Make Colleges and Universities Sane and Affordable: Drive down tuition costs and restore due process
    • Combat Antisemitism: Hold accountable those who perpetrate violence against Jewish people
    • Overcome the Crisis in Liberal Arts Education: Restore classic liberal arts education
    • Restore American Beauty: Promote beauty in public architecture and conservation
    • Honor American History: Celebrate American heroes and organize a national celebration for the 250th anniversary
  9. Government of, By, and For the People
    • Stop Woke and Weaponized Government: Hold accountable those misusing government power.
    • Dismantle Censorship & Protect Free Speech: Ban government collusion in censoring lawful speech
    • Defend Religious Liberty: Support religious freedom in everyday life
    • Protect and Defend a Vote of the People on Life Issues: Support state laws protecting life and oppose late-term abortion
    • End Left-wing Gender Insanity: Ban taxpayer funding for sex change surgeries and gender transition promotion
    • Ensure Election Integrity: Implement voter ID and secure voting processes
    • Protect Americans in the Territories: Include territories in national security and political processes
  10. Return to Peace through Strength
    • The National Interest: Promote foreign policy centered on American interests
    • Modernize the Military: Invest in advanced technologies and support troops
    • Strengthen Alliances: Ensure allies meet defense obligations and restore peace
    • Strengthen Economic, Military, and Diplomatic Capabilities: Protect American way of life from malign influences
    • Defend America’s Borders: Complete the border wall and mobilize military assets against cartels
    • Revive our Industrial Base: Prioritize defense-critical industries
    • Protect Critical Infrastructure: Raise security standards for critical systems