Larry is running for Congress to help fix our broken political system and to build a better future for your family, and the great state of Connecticut.

“We’re all frustrated with politics in Washington D.C. and today the Republican Party is in a fight for it’s soul. The Republican Party has a history of great leaders like Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and U.S. Senator Margaret Chase Smith.”

My campaign supports a break from the dishonest narrative and divisive vitriol that led to the January 6th attacks on the US Capital. Sound proposals, honest rhetoric, and respectful arguments are needed to counter the lack of trust that is damaging to our government and overshadows efforts to lower unemployment and grow wages.

As the next Congressman for Connecticut’s First Congressional District, he will work each and everyday to bring decency and common sense back to Congress.

The Case for Larry Lazor

Larry Lazor wrote an editorial for In this editorial, he goes into great detail about multiple issues.

Platform Issues

  • Crime : Pretty much everyone agrees that crime has increased significantly over the last year. Tragically, Hartford and the surrounding areas have been especially hard hit
  • Economy : The federal government continues to spend at an alarming rate. It seems Washington believes we can spend and borrow without any concern about raising our nations debt.  Connecticut must do better, and when I’m elected to Congress I will fight for the economy we deserve. 
  • Gun Rights : Larry Lazor supports universal background checks, an end to the gun show registration loophole, and increased red flag reporting.
  • Healthcare : Healthcare will be a top priority when I’m elected to Congress. Although I disagree the United States should have a single payer system, I do feel everyone needs affordable healthcare.
  • Education : As a thirty plus year physician and a Connecticut taxpayer, I believe in two things when it comes to educating our children: early education is critical and you get what you pay for. 
  • Foreign Policy : I believe in a strong military and a focused approach of building a coalition of countries to counter adversaries. Though not regularly reported on, there is a crisis at our border with Mexico. I believe in empathy but I do not believe in open borders.

Voting Record

Dr. Larry Lazor has no voting record, but in interviews he has commented how he would have voted on bills.

No Reply

We have reached out to the Lazor campaign multiple times to get his stances on various issues, and have not heard a reply. As we discover more, we will update this page.

Social Media

Larry Lazor’s twitter profile is active, and his facebook is not very active.

Meet Larry

I have been a physician at Hartford Hospital since 1990 as an OB/GYN. While the segue from medicine into politics doesn’t seem obvious at first, my interaction with almost 100 patients per week has opened my eyes and ears to people of many different and diverse backgrounds.

My wife and I have lived in the Hartford area for more than 50 years. We are parents of three children and since 1990, I have been a physician at Hartford Hospital.  I’m a moderate Republican who believes we all benefit from a strong economy and promotion of business development. I believe in common sense solutions and that our two political parties need to change to make our government work effectively.