Donald John Trump, born on June 14, 1946, is an American politician, media personality, and businessman who served as the 45th President of the United States from 2017 to 2021. Trump earned a Bachelor of Science degree in economics from the University of Pennsylvania in 1968 and subsequently took over his family’s real estate business in 1971. Renaming it the Trump Organization, he shifted its focus to developing and renovating high-profile real estate projects, including skyscrapers, hotels, casinos, and golf courses. Despite significant business setbacks in the late 1990s, Trump managed to sustain his brand through various licensing ventures. His high-profile career in reality television as the co-producer and host of “The Apprentice” further solidified his public persona.

Trump’s political ascent came with his victory in the 2016 presidential election as the Republican nominee, despite losing the popular vote. His campaign was marked by populist, protectionist, and nationalist rhetoric. During his presidency, Trump was notable for his controversial policies and actions, including a travel ban on several Muslim-majority countries, the diversion of military funds to construct a U.S.-Mexico border wall, and significant rollbacks of environmental regulations. His administration also saw the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, the appointment of three Supreme Court justices, and a series of high-profile international interactions and trade disputes.


Trump held a town hall on September 27th 2024, where he took questions from the audience on issues. He also had an interview on “Full Measure” on September 22nd. We took these transcripts and parsed it using chatGPT to provide a list of policy positions that Trump supports.


Donald Trump emphasized the need to close the border and finish building the wall. He spoke about the negative impact of illegal immigration on American jobs, particularly the displacement of American workers. Trump plans to reinstate strong border security measures and continue deportations, especially of criminals, whom he claims have been released into the country under current leadership.

He supports a mass deportation program, although he acknowledged the political and media challenges that could arise if images of families being deported surface. He emphasized the need to deport criminals quickly and stated that allowing illegal immigrants to stay is unsustainable.

Energy and Inflation

Trump’s plan to combat inflation begins with energy policy. He advocates for increased domestic oil and gas production, particularly through policies like “drill baby drill.” According to Trump, lowering energy costs will lead to reductions in other prices, such as groceries and rent. He plans to cut energy bills by 50% within the first year of his administration and promises to reduce inflation by bringing down both energy and interest rates.

Trade and Tariffs

Trump reiterated his support for tariffs, claiming that under his administration, tariffs on foreign imports, particularly from China and Mexico, would be applied to protect American manufacturers. He aims to return manufacturing jobs to the U.S. and make sure companies that want to sell products in the U.S. manufacture them domestically. Trump believes that tariffs are a powerful tool for ensuring fair trade and stopping foreign nations from taking advantage of the U.S.

Jobs and Manufacturing

Trump emphasized his commitment to revitalizing the American automotive and manufacturing industries. He criticized companies that move production abroad, particularly to Mexico and China, and promised to bring these jobs back by using tariffs and lowering taxes. He mentioned lowering corporate tax rates from 21% to 15% to incentivize domestic production and pledged to boost American jobs, specifically in industries like steel and automotive manufacturing

Electric Vehicle Mandate

Trump expressed his opposition to electric vehicle (EV) mandates, saying that they unfairly benefit China, where many EV components are manufactured. He plans to terminate the EV mandate, allowing consumers to have choices between gasoline, hybrid, and electric vehicles. He supports freedom of choice in the automotive market, rather than forcing people into electric vehicles

Tax Cuts

Trump emphasized the importance of making his 2017 tax cuts permanent, claiming that they were the largest in U.S. history and helped the economy thrive. Trump also discussed the benefits of eliminating the estate and death taxes, which he says helped preserve family businesses and farms.

Law Enforcement

Trump strongly opposes any form of defunding the police,. He blamed the rise in violent crime across the U.S., especially in cities like Chicago, on such policies. Trump pledged to restore law and order by empowering law enforcement and taking tougher stances on crime.


Trump aims to bring down inflation by reducing energy costs and maintaining low interest rates. He cited his previous success in creating a strong economy and promised to bring back the strong economy that existed under his administration, particularly by focusing on energy independence and reducing regulatory and tax burdens.