GOP 2024 Platform

The GOP official platform, along with a summary of the policy platform can be found here. A total of six policies defined in Project 2025 were not added to the GOP platform, and they are in red text below. The GOP policy defines “Protecting Seniors” as a pillar of the policy, but that is not explicitly defined in Project 2025.

Finally, there is difference of scale between the two documents policies. The GOP official platform describes removing wasteful spending to shrink government costs, where Project 2025 describes the removal of entire branches of government like the DHS. Both policies aim at shrinking government, the scale is different.


Project 2025 focuses on four promises. This page will review the four promises as defined in the project 2025 playbook, and pull out all the policy statements defined for each of the four promises.

Restore the Family as the Centerpiece of American Life and Protect our Children

Protect Marriage and Family Structures: Eliminate financial disincentives to marriage, promote work and self-sufficiency, support marriage and parenting education, and prioritize faith-based family programs to enhance family stability and societal well-being.

Implement Work Requirements for Welfare: Promote self-sufficiency and reduce dependency on welfare programs by implementing work requirements for able-bodied adults without dependents.

Use Government Power to Support Families: Utilize the tax code and other federal powers to promote family formation and cohesion.

Protect Religious and Educational Institutions: Safeguard the tax-exempt status of religious and educational institutions. This policy also restores religious exemptions for contraceptive mandate.

Enforce Parental Authority in Education: Assert that schools should serve the needs of parents, not vice versa, and cut off federal funding to educational institutions that do not respect parental authority.

Promote School Choice: Advocate for universal school choice to give parents control over their children’s education.

Eliminate Critical Race Theory and Gender Ideology from Schools: Ban these theories from public school curricula nationwide.

Restrict Gender Reassignment: Define gender reassignment for minors as child abuse and end such practices. Prevent the VA from providing gender reassignment surgery.

Protect the Unborn: Work to enact robust protections for unborn children across all states and increase support for adoption as an alternative to abortion.

Dismantle the Administrative State and Return Self-Governance to the American People

The term Administrative State refers to the policymaking work done by the bureaucracies of all the federal government’s departments, agencies, and millions of employees

Reform Congressional Budget and Spending Process: Enforce the requirement for Congress to pass a budget and issue-specific spending bills annually, as mandated by law, to enhance accountability and reduce omnibus spending practices.

Dismantle the Administrative State: Reduce the policymaking power of federal bureaucracies, which often operate beyond congressional oversight, and restore legislative powers fully to Congress as stipulated in Article I of the Constitution.

Regulatory Rollbacks and Reforms: Eliminate excessive and overreaching regulations implemented by federal agencies that hamper domestic energy production, border security, and educational policies.

Reform Departmental Policies: Redirect policies of key departments such as Homeland Security, Education, Justice, and Defense to align more closely with constitutional principles and conservative values.

Restrict Woke Policies in Government and Military: Cease diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training and other similar initiatives in federal agencies and the military that are deemed counterproductive to departmental missions and conservative principles.

Enhance Executive Oversight of Bureaucracies: Empower the President and executive branch to have greater oversight and control over federal agencies to ensure that their activities align with the elected government’s policies and priorities.

Fiscal and Constitutional Restraint: Promote fiscal responsibility by curtailing unaccountable federal spending that supports left-leaning institutions and ideologies.

Restore Military Focus on Defense: Prioritize military training and readiness over social experimentation, with a clear focus on addressing threats like the Chinese Communist Party.

Executive Actions Against Overreach: Utilize executive powers to revoke unnecessary bureaucratic powers, close wasteful offices, and reduce the influence of federal bureaucrats.

Legislative Collaboration for Reform: Work closely with Congress to reclaim its constitutional authority from the administrative bureaucracies, aiming to reduce the federal footprint.

Defend our Nation’s Sovereignty, Borders, and Bounty Against Global Threats

Reassert Constitutional Governance: Emphasize restoring the federal government to its constitutionally intended size and roles, focusing on reducing the scope and power of government to increase accountability.

Reform Immigration Policies: Enforce stricter immigration controls to secure national borders and prioritize legal pathways, reflecting a stance against open borders.

Reject Environmental Extremism: Propose a rejection of stringent environmental policies that are viewed as economically and socially restrictive, favoring instead policies that support economic growth and energy independence.

Revise Economic Globalization Practices: Reevaluate and potentially end economic practices that favor international over domestic interests, particularly concerning trade and manufacturing policies with China.

Elevate National Energy Production: Advocate for increased domestic energy production to enhance economic growth and global strategic interests, emphasizing energy independence.

Secure our God-Given Individual Right to Enjoy “The Blessing of Liberty”

Reduced Government Size and Influence: Advocate for a reduction in the size and scope of the federal government to align more closely with the original intent of the U.S. Constitution. This includes reducing the influence of bureaucratic agencies and departments that are seen as overreaching beyond their constitutional mandates.

Economic Freedom and Deregulation: Promote economic policies that emphasize less regulatory interference, more open markets, and reduced government involvement in daily business and economic activities. Allow employers and employees to calculate overtime over a two or four-week period instead of the standard one-week period. This is seen as a means to spur job creation, investment, and overall economic growth.

Tax and Regulatory Reform: Implement reforms to simplify the tax code and reduce regulatory burdens that are perceived to hinder business efficiency and economic expansion.

Antitrust Enforcement: Enforce antitrust laws more rigorously to break up or regulate corporate monopolies, aiming to foster a more competitive business environment.

Education Reform and Alternatives: Promote educational opportunities outside of the traditional public school system, such as trade schools, apprenticeships, and alternative student-loan programs that do not fund traditional Marxist academic pathways.

Free Speech and Civil Liberties: Protect and defend First Amendment rights by ensuring freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom to assemble. This includes combating censorship by Big Tech companies and protecting individuals from being silenced or persecuted for their views.

Anti-Corruption Measures: Implement policies aimed at reducing crony capitalism and ensuring that corporations cannot profit unduly through political influence. This includes creating a more transparent system where businesses succeed based on competition and customer satisfaction rather than political lobbying.

Example of Incorrect Memes

This is a meme that I saw which was full of incorrect statements about Project 2025. This image illustrates how much misinformation there is in regards to this subject.

Protect Marriage and Family Structures

Objective: To strengthen and support marriage and family structures as foundational elements of American society, emphasizing their importance for the well-being of individuals and communities.

Key Components:

  1. Eliminating Marriage Penalties:
    • Reform tax and welfare systems to eliminate penalties that discourage marriage. This includes adjusting federal welfare programs and the tax code to be neutral or supportive of marriage.
    • Reference: “Some are obvious and long-standing goals like eliminating marriage penalties in federal welfare programs and the tax code and installing work requirements for food stamps.”
  2. Promoting Work Requirements for Welfare:
    • Introduce work requirements for able-bodied adults receiving food stamps to encourage self-sufficiency and reduce dependency.
    • Reference: “Some are obvious and long-standing goals like eliminating marriage penalties in federal welfare programs and the tax code and installing work requirements for food stamps.”
  3. Reforming Policies to Encourage Family Stability:
    • Reverse policies that are seen as disincentivizing marriage and encouraging single parenthood, replacing them with ones that support marriage, parenthood, and nuclear families.
    • Reference: “The next secretary should also reverse the Biden Administration’s focus on ‘LGBTQ+ equity,’ subsidizing single-motherhood, disincentivizing work, and penalizing marriage,” replacing such policies with those encouraging marriage, work, motherhood, fatherhood, and nuclear families.”
  4. Educational and Resource Support:
    • Require Title X family planning clinics to provide information on the benefits of marriage and refer clients to marriage resources.
    • Reference: “HHS should require clinics it funds under Title X (family planning) to provide information to customers about the importance of marriage to family and personal well-being and refer them to available federal, state, and nonprofit marriage resources.”
  5. Prioritizing Faith-Based Programs:
    • Protect and prioritize faith-based marriage programs, ensuring they are not subjected to undue scrutiny or pressure to conform to nonreligious definitions of marriage and family.
    • Reference: “Additionally, the positive role of faith-based programs should be protected and prioritized so that these programs do not receive undue scrutiny or pressure to conform to nonreligious definitions of marriage and family.”
  6. Supporting Fatherhood and Marriage Training:
    • Provide grants and resources for marriage and parenting guidance, particularly for low-income fathers, including fatherhood and marriage training and curriculum development.
    • Reference: “provide marriage and parenting guidance for low-income fathers. This includes fatherhood and marriage training, curriculum, and subsequent research.”
  7. Faith-Based Eligibility for HMRE Grants:
    • Ensure HMRE (Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education) program grants are available to faith-based organizations that uphold traditional definitions of marriage.
    • Reference: “HMRE program grants should be available to faith-based recipients who affirm that marriage is between not just any two adults, but one man and one unrelated woman.”
  8. Clarifying Funding Use for Marriage Education:
    • Amend laws to explicitly allow the use of Title II funding for healthy marriage and relationship education programs.
    • Reference: “Congress could change the law to make it clear that Title II funding can be used for healthy marriage and relationship education.”

Implement Work Requirements for Welfare

The policy of implementing work requirements for welfare, specifically for food stamps (more formally known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP), involves mandating that able-bodied adults without dependents must meet certain work criteria to be eligible for benefits. Here’s a breakdown of what this entails:

Key Components:

  1. Long-Standing Goals:
    • Description: Reaffirm the importance of long-standing goals such as eliminating marriage penalties in federal welfare programs and the tax code, and installing work requirements for food stamps.
    • Document Reference: “Some are obvious and long-standing goals like eliminating marriage penalties in federal welfare programs and the tax code and installing work requirements for food stamps”​​.
  2. Re-Implement Work Requirements:
    • Description: Re-establish work requirements for able-bodied adults without dependents to receive food stamps, ensuring they engage in work or work-related activities.
    • Document Reference: “Re-implement work requirements. The statutory language covering food stamps allows states to waive work requirements that otherwise apply to work-capable individuals—that is, adult beneficiaries between the ages 18 and 50 who are not disabled and do not have any children or other dependents in the home”​​.
  3. Statutory Adjustments:
    • Description: Amend statutory language to limit states’ ability to waive work requirements for work-capable individuals receiving food stamps, ensuring consistent application of work mandates.
    • Document Reference: “The statutory language covering food stamps allows states to waive work requirements that otherwise apply to work-capable individuals”​​.
  4. Encouraging Self-Sufficiency:
    • Description: Implement measures that encourage able-bodied adults to engage in employment, education, or vocational training as a condition for receiving welfare benefits.
    • Document Reference: “The next secretary should also reverse the Biden Administration’s focus on ‘LGBTQ+ equity,’ subsidizing single-motherhood, disincentivizing work, and penalizing marriage, replacing such policies with those encouraging marriage, work, motherhood, fatherhood, and nuclear families”​​.
  5. Monitoring and Compliance:
    • Description: Establish a system to monitor compliance with work requirements and provide support services to help beneficiaries meet these requirements.
    • Document Reference: “States should consider using some of their Title IV-B funding for providing healthy marriage and relationship education for families at risk of having their children placed in foster care”

Use Government Power to Support Families

The policy of using government power to support families, specifically through the tax code and other federal mechanisms, involves implementing legislative and administrative measures aimed at promoting family formation and cohesion. Here’s what this typically entails:

Key Elements:

  1. Tax Incentives: This can include tax credits and deductions that financially benefit families, such as increased child tax credits, deductions for childcare expenses, or spousal deductions which make it financially easier for families to manage household and parenting costs.
  2. Support for Family Cohesion: Policies might also include measures like subsidies for family healthcare, housing, or education costs that directly support family stability and reduce economic pressures that can strain family relationships.
  3. Promotion of Family Formation: This could involve incentives for marriage or having children, such as tax breaks or direct subsidies that reduce the financial barriers to starting a family.


  • Economic Relief: To provide direct financial benefits to families, making it more affordable to raise children and maintain household stability.
  • Encouraging Population Growth: Incentivizing family formation as a means to boost birth rates, which can be important for maintaining a stable population and labor force.
  • Social Stability: Strong family units are often seen as foundational to social stability, and supporting them can be viewed as an investment in the social fabric and future generations.


  • Legislative Changes: Requires changes to the tax code or new legislation to create or expand family-focused benefits.
  • Administrative Actions: Government agencies may need to develop new programs or adjust existing ones to better support families according to these new policies.

Policy Rationale:

  • Economic Support: Recognizing that families face significant economic pressures and providing financial support through the tax system can help alleviate these.
  • Social Values: Reflects a societal value placed on family as a fundamental unit of society, deserving of direct support and encouragement.
  • Long-Term Investment: Families are seen as crucial for the development of stable, productive citizens; hence, investing in families is investing in the country’s future.

Project 2025 Sources

“Federal power must instead be wielded to reverse the crisis and rescue America’s kids from familial breakdown. The Conservative Promise includes dozens of specific policies to accomplish this existential task.”

“It’s time for policymakers to elevate family authority, formation, and cohesion as their top priority and even use government power, including through the tax code, to restore the American family.”

“The next Administration must stand up for American ideals, American families, and American culture—all things in which, thankfully, most Americans still believe.”

“Our Constitution grants each of us the liberty to do not what we want, but what we ought. This pursuit of the good life is found primarily in family—marriage, children, Thanksgiving dinners, and the like.”

“The next Administration must stand up for American ideals, American families, and American culture—all things in which, thankfully, most Americans still believe.”

“The next Administration must reaffirm a commitment to preventing drug use before it starts, providing treatment that leads to long-term recovery, and reducing the availability of illicit drugs in the United States.”

Protect Religious and Educational Institutions

The policy of protecting the tax-exempt status of religious and educational institutions involves ensuring that these entities retain their exemption from paying certain taxes, a status typically granted because of their non-profit nature and public service role. This policy also includes ensuring the right of religious organizations to have exceptions on coverage. Here’s what this generally involves:

Key Elements:

  1. Tax Exemption: Religious and educational institutions often benefit from being exempt from federal and state income taxes, property taxes, and sometimes sales taxes. This status is based on the premise that these organizations contribute to the public good, often in ways that are not directly profitable.
  2. Regulatory Protection: This policy could also involve protecting these institutions from changes in law or regulations that might threaten their tax-exempt status. For instance, ensuring that they are not penalized or stripped of tax exemptions based on the nature of their religious teachings or educational content that may be politically contentious. This policy also also restore religious or morale exemptions for birth control coverage.


  • Financial Relief: Tax exemptions provide significant financial relief to these institutions, enabling them to allocate more resources toward their core missions such as religious activities, community service, or education rather than tax obligations.
  • Preservation of Autonomy: By safeguarding their tax-exempt status, these institutions can maintain greater autonomy in their operations and governance, free from excessive government interference.
  • Support for Essential Services: Many religious and educational institutions provide essential community services, like charity, education, and spiritual guidance. Protecting their financial base supports these activities.


  • Legislative Measures: Might involve passing laws that explicitly protect these institutions’ tax-exempt status or block legislation that could pose a threat.
  • Legal Defense: Governments may need to defend these protections in court, especially if challenges arise concerning the applicability of exemptions based on evolving social and legal standards.

Policy Rationale:

  • Cultural and Social Contribution: Acknowledges the significant cultural, educational, and moral contributions of religious and educational institutions to society.
  • Economic Efficiency: Recognizes that these institutions can often deliver community services more effectively and economically than government entities.
  • Religious Freedom: Upholding the tax-exempt status is seen as a component of protecting religious freedom, ensuring that religious organizations are not financially penalized for their beliefs.

Project 2025 Sources

“Today the Left is threatening the tax-exempt status of churches and charities that reject woke progressivism. They will soon turn to Christian schools and clubs with the same totalitarian intent. The next conservative President must make the institutions of American civil society hard targets for woke culture warriors.”

“abolishing the Gender Policy Council would eliminate central promotion of abortion (‘health services’); comprehensive sexuality education (‘education’); and the new woke gender ideology.”

No public institution may require an education employee or contractor to use a pronoun that does not match a person’s biological sex if contrary to the employee’s or contractor’s religious or moral convictions.

Restore Trump religious and moral exemptions to the contraceptive mandate (also a CMS rule).

Protect faith-based institutions by prohibiting accreditation agencies from:

1. Requiring standards and criteria that undermine the religious beliefs of, or require policies or conduct that conflict with, the religious mission or religious beliefs of the institution; and

2. Intruding on the governance of colleges and universities controlled by a religious organization.

Amend Federal Communications

The policy of amending federal communications to remove terms related to sexual orientation, gender identity, and other progressive concepts involves modifying the language used in official government documents, regulations, and communications. Here’s a breakdown of what this policy typically aims to achieve and the implications involved:

Key Elements:

  1. Language Modification: This involves the systematic removal or prohibition of certain terms from all forms of federal communication. This could include documents, public announcements, educational materials, and any content produced or sanctioned by federal agencies.
  2. Specific Terms: The focus is often on terms such as “sexual orientation,” “gender identity,” and phrases associated with diversity and inclusion initiatives. These terms are viewed by proponents of this policy as politically charged or ideologically driven.


  • Safeguarding First Amendment Rights: Proponents argue that the presence of these terms in federal communications may infringe on First Amendment rights by promoting specific ideologies or beliefs that some citizens might find objectionable or contrary to their own values.
  • Neutralizing Government Speech: Aimed at ensuring that the government does not advocate or appear to advocate for specific social or political agendas, thereby maintaining a neutral stance in its communications.


  • Legislative and Regulatory Changes: This would likely require changes to existing federal laws or regulations, directing agencies to revise their communication guidelines.
  • Review and Compliance Procedures: Establishing mechanisms within federal agencies to review content and ensure compliance with the new language guidelines.

Policy Rationale:

  • Non-partisanship: Advocates may claim that removing such terms is necessary to keep government language non-partisan and neutral, especially in areas where the population is deeply divided on social issues.
  • Cultural Conservatism: Reflects a broader cultural and political pushback against what some perceive as an overreach of progressive norms into public life and government policy.

Project 2025 Sources

“This starts with deleting the terms sexual orientation and gender identity (“SOGI”), diversity, equity, and inclusion (“DEI”), gender, gender equality, gender equity, gender awareness, gender-sensitive, abortion, reproductive health, reproductive rights, and any other term used to deprive Americans of their First Amendment rights out of every federal rule, agency regulation, contract, grant, regulation, and piece of legislation that exists.”

The next Administration should abandon this change redefining “sex” to mean “sexual orientation and gender identity” in Title IX immediately across all departments.

The CDC should immediately end its collection of data on gender identity

The Secretary’s antidiscrimination policy statements should never conflate sex with gender identity or sexual orientation. Rather, the Secretary should proudly state that men and women are biological realities that are crucial to the advancement of life sciences and medical care and that married men and women are the ideal, natural family structure because all children have a right to be raised by the men and women who conceived them.

Outlaw Pornography

The proposal to outlaw pornography and classify it as a crime involves enacting legislation that would impose criminal penalties on the production, distribution, and possibly the consumption of pornographic material. Here’s a breakdown of what this policy typically entails.

Key Elements:

  1. Criminal Classification: Pornography would be legally defined as a criminal activity. This definition would need to be clearly outlined in terms of what constitutes “pornography” under the law to differentiate it from other forms of expression.
  2. Severe Penalties: The policy would establish severe legal penalties for those involved in the production and distribution of pornography. These could include heavy fines, imprisonment, and other criminal sanctions.


  • Moral and Social Concerns: Proponents often argue that pornography is harmful to society, citing potential links to moral decay, exploitation, and negative psychological impacts on both consumers and participants.
  • Protection of Minors: A significant driver for such legislation is the protection of children and minors from exposure to sexually explicit materials and from exploitation in the production of such content.


  • Legislation: Requires passing new laws at the federal or state level that explicitly make creating, distributing, or accessing pornography illegal.
  • Law Enforcement: Enhanced powers and resources would be allocated to law enforcement agencies to monitor, investigate, and prosecute individuals and businesses involved in the pornography industry.
  • Legal Framework: Development of a robust legal framework to enforce the ban, including definitions of what constitutes illegal content and how it is to be detected and managed.

Project 2025 Sources

“Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered.”

Pornography has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime

Note : This is only referenced twice in the entire 922 page document.

Enforce Parental Authority in Education

The policy of enforcing parental authority in education centers on reinforcing the principle that educational institutions should prioritize the preferences and values of parents in the schooling of their children. Here’s an overview of what this policy entails:

Key Elements:

  1. Parental Primacy: This policy asserts that the primary role of schools is to serve the needs and expectations of parents rather than setting an agenda independent of or contrary to parental wishes.
  2. Federal Funding as Leverage: It proposes using federal funding as a tool to enforce this principle, suggesting that schools, districts, or educational institutions that fail to adhere to this guideline could face the withdrawal of federal funds.


  • Enhance Parental Involvement: The aim is to increase the influence parents have over the education of their children, ensuring that their values and decisions are respected by educational authorities.
  • Decision Making: By asserting parental authority, the policy seeks to give parents more control over what their children are taught, the materials used, and the overall educational approach.


  • Guidelines and Standards: The policy would require the establishment of clear guidelines defining what constitutes respect for parental authority within educational settings.
  • Monitoring and Enforcement: A system would be put in place to monitor schools’ compliance with these guidelines and to enforce penalties for non-compliance, which could include the cutting off of federal funding.

Project 2025 Sources

“In our schools, the question of parental authority over their children’s education is a simple one: Schools serve parents, not the other way around. That is, of course, the best argument for universal school choice—a goal all conservatives and conservative Presidents must pursue.”

“But even before we achieve that long-term goal, parents’ rights as their children’s primary educators should be non-negotiable in American schools. States, cities and counties, school boards, union bosses, principals, and teachers who disagree should be immediately cut off from federal funds.”

The text advocates for eliminating comprehensive sexuality education promoted by the Gender Policy Council, aligning with enforcing parental authority in education: “abolishing the Gender Policy Council would eliminate central promotion of… comprehensive sexuality education (‘education’).”

“the Biden Administration’s profoundly unserious equity agenda and vaccine mandates have taken a serious toll.”

Promote School Choice

The policy of promoting school choice involves advocating for systems that allow parents to select the best educational setting for their children, rather than being limited to schools based on geographic boundaries. Here’s what this typically entails:

Key Components:

  1. Vouchers and Scholarships: Providing parents with vouchers or scholarships that can be used to pay for private schooling, including religious and charter schools, which could otherwise be beyond their financial reach.
  2. Charter Schools: Supporting the creation and funding of charter schools, which are publicly funded but operate with greater autonomy than traditional public schools in terms of curriculum and management.
  3. Tax Credits: Implementing tax credit programs that incentivize donations to scholarship funds, helping students attend private schools.


  • Enhanced Parental Control: The primary goal is to empower parents to choose schools that best meet their children’s needs, align with their educational philosophy, or offer specialized programs that might not be available in public schools.
  • Increased Competition: By allowing funding to follow the student, regardless of the type of school, it is believed that all schools will be motivated to improve in order to attract and retain students.


  • Funding Mechanisms: Establishing and expanding funding mechanisms such as vouchers, education savings accounts, or tax credits that enable parents to use public funding for private education options.
  • Legislation and Policy: Passing laws at the state or federal level that facilitate school choice, removing barriers that prevent charter schools and private institutions from participating in school choice programs.

Project 2025 Sources

“That is, of course, the best argument for universal school choice—a goal all conservatives and conservative Presidents must pursue.”

“But even before we achieve that long-term goal, parents’ rights as their children’s primary educators should be non-negotiable in American schools.”

“Congress could consider school choice legislation such as the Educational Choice for Children Act. This bill would create a federal scholarship tax credit that would incentivize donors to contribute to nonprofit scholarship granting organizations (SGOs). Eligible families could then use that funding from the SGOs for their children’s education expenses including private school tuition, tutoring, and instructional materials

Eliminate Critical Race Theory and Gender Ideology from Schools

The policy proposal to “Eliminate Critical Race Theory and Gender Ideology from Schools” aims to ban the inclusion of these theories in public school curricula across the United States. Here’s a breakdown of what this typically involves:

Critical Race Theory (CRT):

  • Definition: CRT is an academic and legal framework that suggests that racism is not merely the product of individual bias or prejudice, but also something embedded in legal systems and policies.
  • Criticism: Critics of CRT argue that it promotes a divisive or negative view of history and society, focusing excessively on race and identity to the detriment of other perspectives.

Gender Ideology:

  • Definition: In this context, gender ideology often refers to theories or beliefs that recognize a variety of gender identities beyond the binary categories of male and female and support the idea that gender is at least partly socially constructed rather than strictly biologically determined.
  • Criticism: Opponents argue that teaching about multiple gender identities and the fluidity of gender can confuse or influence young people and challenge traditional social values.

Policy Implementation:

  • Educational Curricula: The proposal involves changing the educational curriculum to exclude teachings that align with CRT and non-traditional views on gender.
  • Legislation: Enacting laws at state or federal levels that prohibit schools from using any materials or teachings considered to be part of CRT or promoting diverse gender identities.

Goals and Rationale:

  • Uniformity in Education: Proponents believe that such a ban would standardize what is taught about American history and social structures, focusing on a more traditional narrative.
  • Protection of Values: They argue that such measures protect students from what they consider ideological indoctrination that conflicts with traditional or conservative values.

Project 2025 Sources

“The noxious tenets of “critical race theory” and “gender ideology” should be excised from curricula in every public school in the country. These theories poison our children, who are being taught on the one hand to affirm that the color of their skin fundamentally determines their identity and even their moral status while on the other they are taught to deny the very creatureliness that inheres in being human and consists in accepting the givenness of our nature as men or women.”

The next President should issue a series of executive orders requiring: An accounting of how federal programs/grants spread DEI/CRT/gender ideology.

The President should: Issue an executive order banning, and Congress should pass a law prohibiting the federal government from using taxpayer dollars to fund, all critical race theory training (CRT).

Restrict Gender Reassignment

The policy to “Restrict Gender Reassignment for Minors” aims to categorize any medical or psychological interventions intended to assist gender reassignment in minors (individuals under 18) as a form of child abuse. Here’s a more detailed look at what such a policy involves and its implications:

Policy Details:

  • Definition of Gender Reassignment: This typically includes any medical, surgical, or psychological treatments that are part of transitioning from one gender to another, such as hormone therapies or surgeries.
  • Legal Classification: By defining these procedures as child abuse, the policy would make it illegal for healthcare providers to offer or perform gender reassignment treatments to anyone under the age of 18. This policy would also prevent the Veterans Health Administration from providing gender reassignment surgery.
  • Enforcement: Implementing such a policy would require changes in medical practice regulations and child protection laws, potentially involving both healthcare oversight bodies and law enforcement agencies.

Goals and Rationale:

  • Protection of Minors: Proponents argue that minors are too young to make irreversible decisions about their gender identity. They believe that such medical interventions should be delayed until an individual is legally an adult and can make informed decisions.
  • Moral and Ethical Concerns: Often, this stance is supported by moral or ethical arguments concerning the role of parents and society in protecting children from making potentially harmful life-altering decisions before reaching maturity.

Project 2025 Sources

“Allowing parents or physicians to ‘reassign’ the sex of a minor is child abuse and must end.”

The document’s description of the Gender Policy Council (GPC) explicitly opposes gender-affirming care and sex-change surgeries on minors: “the new woke gender ideology, which has as a principal tenet ‘gender affirming care’ and ‘sex-change’ surgeries on minors.”

“The President should immediately revoke Executive Order 14020 and every policy… related to the establishment or promotion of the Gender Policy Council and its subsidiary issues.”

“abolishing the Gender Policy Council would eliminate… the new woke gender ideology.”

VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION : Rescind all departmental clinical policy directives that are contrary to principles of conservative governance starting with abortion services and gender reassignment surgery.

Regulate Big Tech’s Influence on Children

The policy to “Regulate Big Tech’s Influence on Children” aims to address and mitigate the negative effects of social media and digital platforms on the mental health of children. This policy would involve creating or enhancing regulations that govern how technology companies operate, particularly in ways that could lead to digital addiction among young users. Here’s a breakdown of what this policy entails:

Policy Details:

  • Focus on Children’s Mental Health: The policy specifically targets the impact of excessive and manipulative tech and social media use on children, acknowledging concerns such as decreased attention spans, increased anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.
  • Regulation of Tech Companies: This would involve implementing rules that tech companies must follow to make their platforms safer for children. This could include restrictions on data collection from minors, changes to algorithms that promote addictive behaviors, and limits on marketing targeted at children.

Goals and Rationale:

  • Protection from Exploitation: The policy seeks to protect children from business practices that exploit their susceptibility to addiction. Social media platforms often use algorithms designed to maximize user engagement, keeping users online for longer periods, which can be harmful to children.
  • Promotion of Healthier Digital Environments: By regulating these aspects of digital platforms, the policy aims to promote a healthier online environment for children, reducing the risk of mental health issues.

Project 2025 Sources

“Consider our approach to Big Tech. The worst of these companies prey on children, like drug dealers, to get them addicted to their mobile apps. Many Silicon Valley executives famously don’t let their own kids have smartphones. They nevertheless make billions of dollars addicting other people’s children to theirs. TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms are specifically designed to create the digital dependencies that fuel mental illness and anxiety, to fray children’s bonds with their parents and siblings. Federal policy cannot allow this industrial-scale child abuse to continue.”

Protect the Unborn

The policy to “Protect the Unborn” involves advocating for and implementing measures to increase legal protections for unborn children, essentially aiming to limit or restrict abortions while promoting and enhancing support for alternatives such as adoption. Here’s what this policy generally entails:

Key Components:

  • Enacting Robust Protections: This includes legislative and regulatory actions to restrict abortion at various stages of pregnancy, potentially including bans or severe limitations except under specific circumstances. This could also involve laws that define personhood starting at conception or recognizing fetuses as having legal rights.
  • Increasing Support for Adoption: To offer viable alternatives to abortion, the policy would focus on improving the adoption process, making it more accessible, less bureaucratic, and financially feasible for more families. This might include financial incentives, support services for birth mothers, and awareness campaigns about the benefits of adoption.

Goals and Rationale:

  • Moral and Ethical Considerations: The primary motivation is often rooted in moral, ethical, or religious beliefs about the sanctity of life, viewing unborn children as deserving of full legal protection.
  • Support for Mothers and Families: Enhancing support for adoption and other services is intended to provide practical alternatives for pregnant women and to support them through the adoption process.

Project 2025 Sources

“Finally, conservatives should gratefully celebrate the greatest pro-family win in a generation: overturning Roe v. Wade, a decision that for five decades made a mockery of our Constitution and facilitated the deaths of tens of millions of unborn children. But the Dobbs decision is just the beginning. Conservatives in the states and in Washington, including in the next conservative Administration, should push as hard as possible to protect the unborn in every jurisdiction in America.”

“In particular, the next conservative President should work with Congress to enact the most robust protections for the unborn that Congress will support while deploying existing federal powers to protect innocent life and vigorously complying with statutory bans on the federal funding of abortion.”

“Conservatives should ardently pursue these pro-life and pro-family policies while recognizing the many women who find themselves in immensely difficult and often tragic situations and the heroism of every choice to become a mother. Alternative options to abortion, especially adoption, should receive federal and state support.”

Prohibit abortion travel funding. Providing funding for abortions increases the number of abortions and violates the conscience and religious freedom rights of Americans who object to subsidizing the taking of life.

Prohibit Planned Parenthood from receiving Medicaid funds

Withdraw Medicaid funds for states that require abortion insurance

Announcing a Campaign to Enforce the Criminal Prohibitions in 18 U.S. Code §§ 1461 and 1462 Against Providers and Distributors of Abortion Pills That Use the Mail. 

VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION : Rescind all departmental clinical policy directives that are contrary to principles of conservative governance starting with abortion services and gender reassignment surgery.

Reform Congressional Budget and Spending Process

The policy to reform the congressional budget and spending process aims to enforce existing laws that require Congress to pass an annual budget and separate appropriations bills for specific issues. This approach seeks to improve transparency, accountability, and fiscal responsibility in how federal funds are allocated and spent. Here’s a more detailed breakdown of what this policy involves and aims to achieve:

Key Components of the Reform:

  • Annual Budget Requirement: Reinforcing the mandate that Congress must pass an annual budget. This involves setting overall spending limits and priorities for the fiscal year, which should guide subsequent appropriations.
  • Issue-Specific Spending Bills: Moving away from omnibus spending bills—which bundle many appropriations into one large bill—toward passing individual spending bills for different government departments and programs. This allows for more detailed scrutiny and debate of expenditures on a per-issue or per-department basis.

Goals and Rationale:

  • Increase Transparency: By requiring separate spending bills, each program’s funding can be debated and scrutinized in detail, making the budgeting process more transparent to both lawmakers and the public.
  • Enhance Accountability: Individual spending bills make it easier to hold specific congressional committees and lawmakers accountable for fiscal decisions. This structure limits the practice of “hiding” controversial spending in larger bills that are difficult to oppose due to their size and scope.
  • Reduce “Must-Pass” Spending Packages: Large omnibus bills are often seen as “must-pass” due to their containing critical funding for government operations, which can lead to less scrutiny and the inclusion of unrelated policy measures. Separate bills can reduce this dynamic.

The call to reform the congressional budget and spending process is often part of broader fiscal reform initiatives aimed at making government operations more efficient and less susceptible to fiscal mismanagement. It reflects a desire to restore a more traditional, disciplined approach to federal budgeting as envisioned in laws like the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974, which set the modern framework for the budget process.

This policy seeks to realign the budgeting process with principles of good governance by ensuring that spending decisions are made transparently and responsibly, aligning closely with public accountability and strategic fiscal management.

Project 2025 Sources

“Consider the federal budget. Under current law, Congress is required to pass a budget—and 12 issue-specific spending bills comporting with it—every single year. The last time Congress did so was in 1996. Congress no longer meaningfully budgets, authorizes, or categorizes spending.

Instead, party leaders negotiate one multitrillion-dollar spending bill—several thousand pages long—and then vote on it before anyone, literally, has had a chance to read it. Debate time is restricted. Amendments are prohibited. And all of this is backed up against a midnight deadline when the previous “omnibus” spending bill will run out and the federal government “shuts down.”

This process is not designed to empower 330 million American citizens and their elected representatives, but rather to empower the party elites secretly negotiating without any public scrutiny or oversight.”

“For example, the budget and regulatory review processes are linchpins in the execution of policy, and the Office of the Vice President should have a seat at the table through every phase of policy development.”

“A logical place to begin would be to identify and eliminate functions and programs that are duplicated across Cabinet departments or spread across multiple agencies.”

Dismantle the Administrative State

The policy of dismantling the Administrative State refers to a significant reduction in the size and influence of federal bureaucracies that currently have substantial policymaking powers, which some argue have grown beyond the direct oversight of Congress. Here’s a detailed explanation of what this policy entails and aims to achieve:

Core Components of the Policy:

  • Reducing Bureaucratic Power: This involves curtailing the rule-making authority that federal agencies currently wield, which allows them to create regulations that have the force of law. The goal is to ensure that only elected representatives in Congress have the power to make or change laws.
  • Restoring Congressional Oversight: Strengthening the role of Congress in the legislative process by ensuring that any significant regulatory actions or policies proposed by federal agencies receive direct approval from Congress.
  • Repealing and Amending Regulations: Systematically reviewing existing federal regulations and policies to identify and eliminate those that are deemed unnecessary, overly burdensome, or outside the original scope of legislative intent.

Goals and Rationale:

  • Enhanced Accountability: By shifting policymaking power back to Congress, this policy seeks to enhance democratic accountability, as elected representatives are directly accountable to the voters, unlike bureaucrats.
  • Increased Transparency: Reducing the complexity of the Administrative State aims to make government operations more transparent, making it easier for citizens and lawmakers to understand how decisions are made and how public resources are used.
  • Streamlining Government Functions: The policy aims to make federal government operations more efficient by eliminating redundant or unnecessary agencies and simplifying the regulatory environment for businesses and individuals.

Project 2025 Sources

“The term Administrative State refers to the policymaking work done by the bureaucracies of all the federal government’s departments, agencies, and millions of employees. Under Article I of the Constitution, “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and a House of Representatives.” That is, federal law is enacted only by elected legislators in both houses of Congress.”

“In recent decades, members of the House and Senate discovered that if they give away that power to the Article II branch of government, they can also deny responsibility for its actions. So today in Washington, most policy is no longer set by Congress at all, but by the Administrative State.”

“Federal employees are often ideologically aligned—not with the majority of the American people—but with one another, posing a profound problem for republican government, a government ‘of, by, and for’ the people.”

“Many of these laws and regulations governing a largely underworked, over-compensated, and unaccountable federal civilian workforce are so irrational that they would be comical in a less important context.”

“When it comes to ensuring that freedom can flourish, nothing is more important than deconstructing the centralized administrative state.”

“The modern merit system increasingly made it almost impossible to fire all but the most incompetent civil servants. Complying with arcane rules regarding recruiting, rating, hiring, and firing simply replaced the goal of cultivating competence and expertise.”

“President Trump issued Executive Order 13839 requiring agencies to reduce the time for employees to improve performance before corrective action could be taken.”

“Executive Order 13957 to make career professionals in positions that are not normally subject to change as a result of a presidential transition but who discharge significant duties and exercise significant discretion in formulating and implementing executive branch policy and programs an exception to the competitive hiring rules and examinations for career positions under a new Schedule F.”

Our primary recommendation is that the President pursue legislation to dismantle the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). After 20 years, it has not gelled into ‘One DHS.'”

“Soft Closure of Unnecessary (DHS) Offices…The Secretary could shift personnel, funding, and operational responsibility to mission-essential components of the department, including the Office of the Secretary itself.”

Regulatory Rollbacks and Reforms

The policy of “Regulatory Rollbacks and Reforms” refers to a strategic effort to reduce or eliminate regulations that are perceived as excessive, overly burdensome, or obstructive to certain sectors and policy areas, such as domestic energy production, border security, and education. This policy seeks to streamline federal oversight and reduce the regulatory footprint on businesses and other entities. Here’s a breakdown of what this entails and the areas it typically targets:

Key Areas Affected:

  1. Domestic Energy Production: Regulations that may be considered for rollback in this sector often include those related to environmental protections, such as emissions standards, drilling permissions, and land use restrictions. The aim is to boost domestic energy output by reducing the regulatory hurdles for coal, oil, and natural gas production.
  2. Border Security: In the context of border security, regulatory rollbacks might involve simplifying or removing legal and procedural constraints that govern border enforcement policies. This could mean changes to how border monitoring and enforcement are conducted, potentially to expedite processes that are seen as critical for national security.
  3. Educational Policies: Regulatory reforms in education may focus on reducing federal oversight in local school decisions and curricula. This could include rolling back guidelines on educational standards or compliance requirements that are viewed as federal overreach into local educational practices.

Goals and Rationale:

  • Increase Efficiency and Autonomy: By eliminating what are seen as unnecessary regulations, the policy aims to make industries and sectors more efficient and grant more autonomy to state or local authorities.
  • Stimulate Economic Growth: Particularly in energy production and other heavily regulated industries, the rationale is that fewer regulations will lower operational costs, encourage investment, and stimulate economic growth.
  • Enhance Security Measures: In areas like border security, reducing bureaucratic hurdles is seen as a way to make security measures more direct and robust.

Project 2025 Sources

  • A combination of elected and unelected bureaucrats at the Environmental Protection Agency quietly strangles domestic energy production through difficult-to-understand rulemaking processes;
  • Bureaucrats at the Department of Homeland Security, following the lead of a feckless Administration, order border and immigration enforcement agencies to help migrants criminally enter our country with impunity;
  • Bureaucrats at the Department of Education inject racist, anti-American, ahistorical propaganda into America’s classrooms;
  • Bureaucrats at the Department of Justice force school districts to undermine girls’ sports and parents’ rights to satisfy transgender extremists;
  • Woke bureaucrats at the Pentagon force troops to attend “training” seminars about “white privilege”; and
  • Bureaucrats at the State Department infuse U.S. foreign aid programs with woke extremism about “intersectionality” and abortion.”

“Let’s be clear: The most egregious regulations promulgated by the current Administration come from one place: the Oval Office. The President cannot hide behind the agencies; as his many executive orders make clear, his is the responsibility for the regulations that threaten American communities, schools, and families. A conservative President must move swiftly to do away with these vast abuses of presidential power and remove the career and political bureaucrats who fuel it.”

“Past Vice Presidents… were also active on the deregulatory front and in imposing regulatory moratoria.”

“These opportunities include privatizing TSA screening and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) National Flood Insurance Program, reforming FEMA emergency spending to shift the majority of preparedness and response costs to states and localities instead of the federal government.”

Reform Departmental Policies

The policy of “Reform Departmental Policies” in the context of Project 2025 aims to adjust the operational and policy directives of significant federal departments—such as Homeland Security, Education, Justice, and Defense—to better reflect constitutional principles and conservative values. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what this entails across the mentioned departments:

Key Departments and Proposed Reforms:

  1. Department of Homeland Security (DHS):
    • Policy Direction: Focus might be on tightening immigration controls, enhancing border security, and streamlining immigration processes to prioritize legal pathways while clamping down on illegal crossings.
    • Constitutional Alignment: Ensuring that the measures adhere strictly to constitutional rights while enhancing national security.
  2. Department of Education (DoE):
    • Policy Direction: Shifting policies to promote school choice, reduce federal intervention in local school curricula, and support educational programs that align with traditional and conservative educational values.
    • Constitutional Alignment: Upholding the rights of parents to direct their children’s education and reducing federal overreach.
  3. Department of Justice (DOJ):
    • Policy Direction: Revising policies to prioritize criminal justice reforms that emphasize law and order, possibly rolling back initiatives seen as too lenient or that conflict with conservative approaches to law enforcement.
    • Constitutional Alignment: Ensuring that justice policies uphold constitutional protections for citizens, such as fair trial rights, while effectively enforcing federal laws.
  4. Department of Defense (DoD):
    • Policy Direction: Redirecting military policies to focus more on defense capabilities and readiness, scaling back on non-combat related programs (such as those perceived to promote social agendas) and reinforcing the combat readiness and traditional military values.
    • Constitutional Alignment: Ensuring that defense policies are in strict adherence to the constitutional mandate to provide for the common defense, and avoiding engagement in activities that do not directly contribute to national security.

Goals and Objectives:

  • Strengthen Constitutional Adherence: Ensure that all departmental actions and policies are firmly grounded in constitutional principles, focusing on the intended roles of each department as envisioned by the Constitution.
  • Promote Conservative Values: Align departmental activities with conservative ideologies, which often emphasize individual liberties, smaller government, traditional values, and strong national defense.
  • Enhance Efficiency and Effectiveness: Reform policies to make federal departments more efficient and effective, cutting down on bureaucracy and focusing resources on core missions.

Project 2025 Sources

“Bureaucrats at the Department of Homeland Security, following the lead of a feckless Administration, order border and immigration enforcement agencies to help migrants criminally enter our country with impunity;

Bureaucrats at the Department of Education inject racist, anti-American, ahistorical propaganda into America’s classrooms;

Bureaucrats at the Department of Justice force school districts to undermine girls’ sports and parents’ rights to satisfy transgender extremists;

Woke bureaucrats at the Pentagon force troops to attend ‘training’ seminars about ‘white privilege’; and

Bureaucrats at the State Department infuse U.S. foreign aid programs with woke extremism about ‘intersectionality’ and abortion.”

“A conservative President must move swiftly to do away with these vast abuses of presidential power and remove the career and political bureaucrats who fuel it.”

“The next conservative President must end the Left’s social experimentation with the military, restore warfighting as its sole mission, and set defeating the threat of the Chinese Communist Party as its highest priority.”

“The next Administration must fill its ranks with political appointees.”

“Empowering political appointees across the Administration is crucial to a President’s success.”

Restrict Woke Policies in Government and Military

The policy to “Restrict Woke Policies in Government and Military” in Project 2025 aims to curtail or eliminate initiatives related to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and other related social justice programs within federal agencies and the military. The rationale behind this policy is that such programs are viewed as being counterproductive to the core missions of these institutions and not aligned with conservative values. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what this policy entails and its potential implications:

Policy Details:

  1. Targeted Programs: The focus would be on discontinuing DEI training sessions, workshops, or any mandatory cultural sensitivity programs that are perceived to propagate progressive or “woke” ideologies.
  2. Scope: This policy would apply across all federal agencies, including civilian and military sectors, impacting how training and development programs are structured and what content is deemed appropriate.


  • Alignment with Mission and Values: Ensure that all training and policy directives are directly aligned with the primary missions of the agencies and military, which are often centered on efficiency, security, and national defense, rather than social advocacy.
  • Conservation of Resources: Redirect resources towards activities that are directly related to core operational effectiveness, rather than spending on programs that some stakeholders might view as politically driven or unnecessary.
  • Promotion of Unit Cohesion: In the military context, this policy aims to foster unit cohesion and focus on combat readiness without the distraction of what may be seen as divisive or irrelevant discussions on social issues.

Project 2025 Sources

“Woke bureaucrats at the Pentagon force troops to attend ‘training’ seminars about ‘white privilege’; and

Bureaucrats at the State Department infuse U.S. foreign aid programs with woke extremism about ‘intersectionality’ and abortion.”

“The next conservative President must end the Left’s social experimentation with the military, restore warfighting as its sole mission, and set defeating the threat of the Chinese Communist Party as its highest priority.”

“The Conservative Promise lays out how to use many of these tools including: how to fire supposedly ‘un-fireable’ federal bureaucrats; how to shutter wasteful and corrupt bureaus and offices; how to muzzle woke propaganda at every level of government.”

“Vought argues…to prioritize the core roles and responsibilities of the military over social engineering and non-defense related matters, including climate change, critical race theory, manufactured extremism, and other polarizing policies.”

Enhance Executive Oversight of Bureaucracies

The policy to “Enhance Executive Oversight of Bureaucracies” as part of Project 2025 aims to increase the power and authority of the President and the executive branch to oversee and manage federal agencies. This is to ensure that these agencies act in accordance with the priorities and policies set by the elected government. Here’s a breakdown of what this policy involves and its potential implications:

Key Elements of the Policy:

  1. Increased Oversight: The President and executive branch officials would have more direct involvement in the operations and decision-making of federal agencies.
  2. Alignment with Executive Policies: Federal agencies would be required to closely align their actions and initiatives with the strategic goals and policy directives of the current administration.
  3. Enhanced Review Mechanisms: Implementation of stricter review processes and oversight mechanisms to monitor agency performance and compliance with government policies.


  • Policy Consistency: Ensure that all federal agencies operate in a manner that is consistent with the administration’s policy goals, thereby reducing policy discrepancies across different parts of the government.
  • Accountability: Improve the accountability of federal agencies to the President and the executive branch, enhancing responsiveness to the changing priorities of the elected government.
  • Efficiency and Effectiveness: Streamline government functions by ensuring that agencies are not working at cross-purposes and are efficiently utilizing resources to achieve common objectives.

Implementation Approaches:

  • Regular Audits and Evaluations: Conducting frequent audits and performance evaluations to assess agency compliance with policy directives and to identify areas needing improvement.
  • Policy Advisers and Liaisons: Positioning specialized policy advisers or liaisons within agencies to facilitate direct communication and enforce policy alignment.
  • Executive Orders and Directives: Utilizing executive orders and directives as tools to guide agency operations and ensure compliance with the administration’s priorities.

Project 2025 Sources

“The Administrative State is not going anywhere until Congress acts to retrieve its own power from bureaucrats and the White House. But in the meantime, there are many executive tools a courageous conservative President can use to handcuff the bureaucracy, push Congress to return to its constitutional responsibility, restore power over Washington to the American people, bring the Administrative State to heel, and in the process defang and defund the woke culture warriors who have infiltrated every last institution in America.”

“A conservative President must move swiftly to do away with these vast abuses of presidential power and remove the career and political bureaucrats who fuel it.”

“The Conservative Promise lays out how to use many of these tools including: how to fire supposedly ‘un-fireable’ federal bureaucrats; how to shutter wasteful and corrupt bureaus and offices; how to muzzle woke propaganda at every level of government; how to restore the American people’s constitutional authority over the Administrative State.”

“Political appointees who are answerable to the President and have decision-making authority in the executive branch are key to this essential task. The next Administration must not cede such authority to non-partisan ‘experts,’ who pursue their own ends while engaging in groupthink, insulated from American voters.”

“Who the President assigns to design and implement his political policy agenda will determine whether he can carry out the responsibility given to him by the American people.”

Fiscal and Constitutional Restraint

The policy of “Fiscal and Constitutional Restraint” in Project 2025 aims to promote fiscal responsibility by reducing unaccountable federal spending, particularly spending that is perceived to support institutions and ideologies aligned with left-leaning or progressive agendas. This policy intends to realign federal expenditure with conservative values and constitutional principles, ensuring that government funds are used in a manner that the proponents believe reflects the values of a broader segment of the American populace. Here’s a deeper look at what this policy entails and its intended effects:

Key Elements of the Policy:

  1. Reduction of Federal Spending: Specifically target and reduce government spending on programs, agencies, or initiatives that are considered to be promoting progressive values that are out of step with conservative principles.
  2. Enhanced Oversight of Spending: Implement stricter oversight and auditing mechanisms to ensure transparency and accountability in how federal funds are allocated and used.
  3. Constitutional Alignment: Ensure that all federal spending adheres strictly to constitutional guidelines, emphasizing a limited government approach as envisaged by the framers of the Constitution.


  • Budgetary Efficiency: By reducing perceived wasteful expenditure on ideologically driven programs, the policy aims to decrease the federal deficit and promote a more balanced budget.
  • Political and Ideological Reorientation: Shift the focus of federal support away from programs that are seen as promoting a progressive agenda towards initiatives that align with conservative values and priorities.
  • Strengthened Constitutional Governance: Reinforce the principles of constitutional limits on government, advocating for a return to what proponents consider the original intent of U.S. governance structures.

Implementation Approaches:

  • Review and Reassessment: Comprehensive review of current federal programs and funding to identify and eliminate expenditures on programs deemed to align with progressive ideologies.
  • Legislative Measures: Introduction of new laws or amendments to existing laws to restrict federal funding for specific types of programs or institutions.
  • Executive Actions: Use of executive orders to immediately halt funding for certain programs pending further review.

Project 2025 Sources

“Unaccountable federal spending is the secret lifeblood of the Great Awokening. Nearly every power center held by the Left is funded or supported, one way or another, through the bureaucracy by Congress. Colleges and school districts are funded by tax dollars. The Administrative State holds 100 percent of its power at the sufferance of Congress, and its insulation from presidential discipline is an unconstitutional fairy tale spun by the Washington Establishment to protect its turf.”

“As monolithic as the Left’s institutional power appears to be, it originates with appropriations from Congress and is made complete by a feckless President.”

“Properly considered, restoring fiscal limits and constitutional accountability to the federal government is a continuation of restoring national sovereignty to the American people.”

Restore Military Focus on Defense

The policy of “Restore Military Focus on Defense” in Project 2025 advocates for a shift in the military’s priorities back towards its core mission of defense and preparedness, rather than what proponents see as social experimentation. This policy calls for a renewed emphasis on training and readiness, specifically targeting perceived threats such as the Chinese Communist Party, and reducing the military’s involvement in activities that are not directly related to national defense. Here are the key aspects of this policy:

Key Elements of the Policy:

  1. Enhanced Training and Readiness: Increase investments in military training programs to enhance the preparedness of armed forces to respond to traditional and emerging threats.
  2. Reduction of Non-Defensive Initiatives: Scale back or eliminate programs and initiatives within the military that are viewed as unrelated to direct military readiness or combat capability, particularly those that involve social policy agendas.
  3. Focus on Strategic Adversaries: Explicitly prioritize planning, training, and resource allocation towards countering major strategic adversaries, notably the Chinese Communist Party, recognizing the geopolitical challenges posed by China’s military and economic actions.


  • Improved Combat Readiness: By refocusing resources and training on combat readiness and strategic defense, the policy aims to ensure that the military is better prepared to face current and future threats.
  • Streamlined Military Operations: Reduce perceived distractions and inefficiencies by curtailing programs deemed extraneous to the primary mission of national defense.
  • Reassert Traditional Military Values: Reinforce traditional military values and discipline by focusing on defense capabilities and reducing the emphasis on integrating social change within the ranks.

Implementation Approaches:

  • Policy Revisions: Implement policy changes within the Department of Defense to redirect efforts and resources towards enhancing combat training and strategic defenses.
  • Budget Reallocation: Adjust military budgets to favor readiness and defense capabilities over other programs considered to be forms of social experimentation.
  • Strategic Reviews: Conduct comprehensive reviews of military strategies and operations to ensure they are aligned with the primary objective of national defense, particularly against major threats like China.

Project 2025 Sources

“The next conservative President must end the Left’s social experimentation with the military, restore warfighting as its sole mission, and set defeating the threat of the Chinese Communist Party as its highest priority.”

“The American people desire a military full of highly skilled servicemen and women who can protect the homeland and our interests overseas.”

“Miller writes that we ‘must treat missile defense as a top priority,’ ensure that more of our weapons are made in America, reform the budgeting process, and sustain ‘an efficient and effective counterterrorism enterprise.’”

“…the United States must ensure that China does not succeed. This requires a denial defense: the ability to make the subordination of Taiwan or other U.S. allies in Asia prohibitively difficult.”

Executive Actions Against Overreach

The policy “Executive Actions Against Overreach” outlined in Project 2025 emphasizes the use of presidential executive authority to streamline the federal government by curbing what it views as excessive bureaucratic powers. This involves revoking powers that are seen as unnecessary, closing offices that are deemed wasteful, and reducing the overall influence of federal bureaucrats. Here’s a breakdown of the key aspects of this policy:

Key Elements of the Policy:

  1. Revocation of Unnecessary Powers: This involves the President using executive orders and directives to rescind regulations and authorities that have been delegated to federal agencies, which are perceived as overreaching or redundant.
  2. Closure of Wasteful Offices: Identify and shut down federal offices and programs that are considered inefficient or that serve overlapping functions with other parts of the government.
  3. Reduction of Bureaucratic Influence: Limit the scope and decision-making capacity of bureaucrats to align more closely with the administration’s policies, aiming to ensure that policy decisions reflect elected officials’ directives rather than unelected officials’ preferences.


  • Increased Government Efficiency: Streamline government operations to reduce redundancy and waste, enhancing the responsiveness and effectiveness of federal services.
  • Greater Policy Alignment: Ensure that the execution of federal policies is more directly controlled by elected officials and closely aligns with the administration’s objectives.
  • Enhanced Accountability: Reduce the complexity of federal bureaucracy to make it easier for citizens and elected officials to oversee and hold it accountable.

Implementation Approaches:

  • Executive Orders and Directives: The President can issue orders that directly impact the structure and functioning of federal agencies.
  • Audit and Review: Conduct comprehensive audits of federal agencies and programs to identify targets for reduction, realignment, or elimination.
  • Legislative Proposals: Although the focus is on executive actions, some changes may require legislative approval or be supported by legislation to ensure permanency and legal backing.

Project 2025 Sources

“There are many executive tools a courageous conservative President can use to handcuff the bureaucracy, push Congress to return to its constitutional responsibility, restore power over Washington to the American people, bring the Administrative State to heel, and in the process defang and defund the woke culture warriors who have infiltrated every last institution in America.”

“The Conservative Promise lays out how to use many of these tools including: how to fire supposedly ‘un-fireable’ federal bureaucrats; how to shutter wasteful and corrupt bureaus and offices; how to muzzle woke propaganda at every level of government; how to restore the American people’s constitutional authority over the Administrative State.”

Legislative Collaboration for Reform

The policy “Legislative Collaboration for Reform” from Project 2025 focuses on strengthening the constitutional role of Congress while reducing the influence and size of federal administrative bureaucracies. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what this policy entails and aims to achieve:

Key Elements of the Policy:

  1. Reclaiming Congressional Authority: This policy advocates for Congress to actively reclaim its legislative powers that have been increasingly delegated to or usurped by federal bureaucracies. The goal is to ensure that laws and significant policy decisions are made by elected representatives, not unelected officials.
  2. Reducing Federal Bureaucracy: The policy calls for a systematic reduction in the size and scope of federal agencies. This could involve eliminating or consolidating agencies and programs that have expanded beyond their original mandates or that perform duplicative functions.
  3. Legislative Reforms: Implement legislative reforms that clearly define and possibly restrict the rule-making powers of federal agencies, ensuring that significant changes to public policy receive direct congressional approval.


  • Restoration of Legislative Oversight: Strengthen Congress’s oversight and regulatory roles, ensuring that it remains the primary source of federal policymaking as intended by the U.S. Constitution.
  • Increased Accountability and Transparency: By bringing more decision-making back to Congress, the policy aims to increase transparency and accountability in federal policymaking.
  • Efficient Government Operations: Streamline government functions to make them more efficient and less costly, aligning them more closely with the taxpayers’ interests.

Implementation Strategies:

  • Legislative Action: Passing new laws or amending existing ones to limit the powers of federal agencies and enhance the legislative process to prevent excessive delegation of powers.
  • Collaborative Governance: Encouraging cooperative efforts between the executive branch and Congress to ensure that reforms are effectively implemented and that executive actions align with legislative intent.
  • Oversight and Review: Increasing the frequency and depth of congressional hearings and audits of federal agencies to ensure compliance with new reforms and to assess the effectiveness of those agencies.

Project 2025 Sources

“The Administrative State is not going anywhere until Congress acts to retrieve its own power from bureaucrats and the White House.”

“Properly considered, restoring fiscal limits and constitutional accountability to the federal government is a continuation of restoring national sovereignty to the American people. In foreign affairs, global strategy, federal budgeting and policymaking, the same pattern emerges again and again. Ruling elites slash and tear at restrictions and accountability placed on them. They centralize power up and away from the American people: to supra-national treaties and organizations, to left-wing ‘experts,’ to sight-unseen all-or-nothing legislating, to the unelected career bureaucrats of the Administrative State.”

“A conservative President must look to the legislative branch for decisive action. The Administrative State is not going anywhere until Congress acts to retrieve its own power from bureaucrats and the White House.”

Reassert Constitutional Governance

The policy “Reassert Constitutional Governance” from Project 2025 is aimed at realigning the federal government with its foundational constitutional principles, particularly focusing on the size and scope of government. This involves taking specific measures to reduce the expansive reach of the federal government, which over time has extended beyond the originally intended limits set by the U.S. Constitution. Here’s an in-depth look at what this policy entails:

Key Components of the Policy:

  1. Constitutional Alignment: This policy seeks to align the operations and functions of the federal government more closely with constitutional directives, which emphasize a limited government that focuses primarily on specified federal responsibilities.
  2. Reduction of Government Size and Scope: It advocates for a reduction in the number of federal agencies and employees, and a scaling back of federal involvement in areas that can be more effectively managed at state or local levels.
  3. Enhancement of Accountability: By limiting the government’s reach, this policy aims to enhance accountability by making its actions more transparent and manageable. It seeks to make government officials more accountable to the electorate and reduce the complexity of the government, which often obscures responsibilities.

Implementation Strategies:

  • Legislative Measures: Propose and pass legislation that restricts the establishment of new federal agencies or programs without clear constitutional justification. Additionally, review existing agencies and programs for their constitutional validity and effectiveness.
  • Decentralization: Transfer more responsibilities and powers from the federal government to states and local governments, adhering to the principle of subsidiarity, which holds that matters ought to be handled by the smallest, lowest, or least centralized competent authority.
  • Fiscal Restraint: Implement fiscal policies that limit federal spending to essential functions, thereby reducing the government’s footprint on the national economy and minimizing its influence over individual and market activities.

Goals of the Policy:

  • Streamlined Federal Government: Achieve a more streamlined, efficient federal government that operates within the bounds set by the U.S. Constitution.
  • Increased State and Local Empowerment: By reducing federal overreach, state and local governments can have increased autonomy to address issues and policies more effectively at the local level.
  • Improved Public Trust and Engagement: A smaller, more accountable government is more transparent to its citizens, potentially leading to increased public trust and engagement in the democratic process.

Project 2025 Sources

“The United States belongs to “We the people.” All government authority derives from the consent of the people, and our nation’s success derives from the character of its people. The American people’s right to rule ourselves is the obverse of our duty: We cannot outsource to others our obligation to ensure the conditions that allow our families, local communities, churches and synagogues, and neighborhoods to thrive.”

“America’s corporate and political elites do not believe in the ideals to which our nation is dedicated—self-governance, the rule of law, and ordered liberty. They certainly do not trust the American people, and they disdain the Constitution’s restrictions on their ambitions.”

“These are problems not of technocratic efficiency but of national sovereignty and constitutional governance. We solve them not by trimming and reshaping the leaves but by ripping out the trees—root and branch.”

“International organizations and agreements that erode our Constitution, rule of law, or popular sovereignty should not be reformed: They should be abandoned. Illegal immigration should be ended, not mitigated; the border sealed, not reprioritized. Economic engagement with China should be ended, not rethought.”

Curtail Supranational Powers

The policy “Curtail Supranational Powers” in Project 2025 focuses on reassessing and potentially scaling back U.S. involvement in international treaties and organizations, such as the United Nations (UN) and the European Union (EU). This policy is driven by concerns that these supranational bodies may infringe upon or dilute U.S. sovereignty, and aims to ensure that American law and policy remain primarily under U.S. control, rather than being influenced or overridden by international agreements and foreign bodies. Here’s a breakdown of what this policy entails:

Key Components of the Policy:

  1. Reevaluation of Treaties and Memberships: Conduct thorough reviews of existing international treaties and memberships to evaluate their impact on U.S. sovereignty and interests. The goal is to identify agreements that may be compromising U.S. independence or imposing unfavorable conditions on the U.S.
  2. Withdrawal from Agreements: Based on these evaluations, withdraw from or renegotiate terms of international treaties and memberships that are found to be detrimental to U.S. sovereignty or national interests. This could include reducing U.S. financial contributions or participation in various UN programs or reconsidering the terms of engagement with the EU and other international entities.
  3. Strengthening National Sovereignty: Reinforce the primacy of U.S. law over international law within the domestic legal system, ensuring that international agreements do not supersede U.S. constitutional protections and legislative decisions.

Implementation Strategies:

  • Legal and Diplomatic Review: Utilize legal experts and diplomats to assess all current international commitments for their legal and strategic impacts on U.S. sovereignty.
  • Negotiation of New Terms: Engage in diplomatic negotiations to secure terms more favorable to U.S. interests, including seeking amendments to or opt-outs from existing international agreements.
  • Legislative Support: Work with the U.S. Congress to ensure any changes or withdrawals from international treaties are in line with U.S. legislative processes, and to garner support for a more sovereignty-focused foreign policy.

Goals of the Policy:

  • Enhanced National Control: By curtailing the influence of supranational organizations, ensure that U.S. policies are primarily shaped by American interests and values.
  • Reduced Foreign Dependency: Minimize reliance on international bodies in areas critical to national security and economic independence, thereby strengthening U.S. autonomy.
  • Transparent and Accountable Governance: Increase transparency and accountability in how international agreements are made and implemented, ensuring they are subject to democratic oversight.

Project 2025 Sources

“Progressive policymakers and pundits in America either fail to understand this premise or intentionally reject it. They enthusiastically support supranational organizations like the United Nations and European Union, which are run and staffed almost entirely by people who share their values and are mostly insulated from the influence of national elections.”

“That’s why they are eager for America to sign international treaties on everything from pharmaceutical patents to climate change to ‘the rights of the child’—and why those treaties invariably endorse policies that could never pass through the U.S. Congress.”

“International organizations and agreements that erode our Constitution, rule of law, or popular sovereignty should not be reformed: They should be abandoned.”

Reform Immigration Policies

The policy “Reform Immigration Policies” under Project 2025 aims to tighten U.S. immigration controls and secure the nation’s borders, while also emphasizing the importance of legal immigration pathways. This reflects a stance against open borders and is geared towards enhancing national security, managing population flow, and maintaining the integrity of the legal immigration system. Here’s a breakdown of what this policy entails:

Key Components of the Policy:

  1. Stricter Border Enforcement: Increase security measures along the borders to prevent illegal immigration. This may include the deployment of more border security personnel, the use of advanced surveillance technology, and the construction or reinforcement of physical barriers.
  2. Enhanced Immigration Laws Enforcement: Rigorously enforce existing immigration laws and regulations to ensure that individuals and entities comply with U.S. immigration policies. This could involve more frequent audits and checks on employers, as well as swifter action against visa overstays.
  3. Streamlined Legal Immigration: Simplify and expedite the legal immigration process to make it more efficient and accessible for qualified individuals. This could involve reducing bureaucratic hurdles, speeding up processing times, and perhaps increasing quotas for certain types of visas based on economic needs.
  4. Prioritization of Skills and Merit: Shift the focus of immigration towards a merit-based system that prioritizes skills and qualifications that are in demand in the U.S. economy, potentially altering family-based immigration policies that have dominated the system.

Implementation Strategies:

  • Legislative Changes: Propose and support legislation that embodies these reforms, ensuring that the legal framework is in place to enforce stricter immigration controls and facilitate an efficient legal immigration system.
  • International Cooperation: Engage with neighboring countries and international partners to manage cross-border immigration effectively and prevent illegal entry through cooperative security measures.
  • Public Communication: Clearly communicate the changes and benefits of the new immigration policy to the public and international community to ensure understanding and compliance.

Goals of the Policy:

  • Enhanced National Security: By tightening border controls and enforcing immigration laws, reduce the risks associated with illegal immigration, such as crime, terrorism, and uncontrolled population growth.
  • Economic Alignment: Align immigration policies with the needs of the U.S. economy, ensuring that immigrants entering the country contribute positively to the labor market and innovation landscape.
  • Fair and Efficient Immigration System: Create a more equitable system that rewards individuals who follow legal pathways and contribute to American society, while penalizing illegal actions.

Project 2025 Sources

“That’s why today’s progressive Left so cavalierly supports open borders despite the lawless humanitarian crisis their policy created along America’s southern border. They seek to purge the very concept of the nation-state from the American ethos, no matter how much crime increases or resources drop for schools and hospitals or wages decrease for the working class.”

“Illegal immigration should be ended, not mitigated; the border sealed, not reprioritized.”

“Disrupting the flow of drugs across our borders and into our communities is of paramount importance, both to save lives and to bolster our public health efforts.”

“The next Administration should take steps to restore lawfulness and integrity to the department’s massive regimen of federal grant programs, most of which are managed and distributed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.”

“Prioritizing border security and immigration enforcement, including detention and deportation, is critical if we are to regain control of the border”

“Congress should repeal Section 235 of the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 (TVPRA), which provides numerous immigration benefits to unaccompanied alien children”

“Create an authority akin to the Title 42 Public Health authority that has been used during the COVID-19 pandemic to expel illegal aliens across the border immediately when certain non-health conditions are met, such as loss of operational control of the border.”

“Congress should reassert control of employment authorization, which is subject to rampant regulatory abuse, and limit it to certain categories of legal immigrants and non-immigrants.”

“Congress should amend the Homeland Security Act and portions of the TVPRA to move detention of alien children expressly from the Department of Health and Human Services to DHS.”

“The standard for a credible fear of persecution should be raised and aligned to the standard for asylum.”

“Congress should eliminate ambiguous discretionary language in Title 8 that aliens “may” be detained and clarify that aliens “shall” be detained.”

Reject Environmental Extremism

The policy titled “Reject Environmental Extremism” under Project 2025 aims to shift away from what are perceived as overly stringent and restrictive environmental regulations. It advocates for a more balanced approach that prioritizes economic growth and energy independence while still addressing environmental concerns. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what this policy entails:

Key Components of the Policy:

  1. Redefining Environmental Policy: Redefine the approach to environmental regulation by focusing on creating a balance between protecting the environment and fostering economic growth. This might involve revising current regulations that are considered overly burdensome to businesses and industries, especially those that inhibit energy production and industrial growth.
  2. Promotion of Energy Independence: Increase support for domestic energy sources, including fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas, alongside alternative energy sources where economically feasible. The goal is to reduce reliance on foreign energy and boost the national economy through self-sufficiency.
  3. Streamlining Regulatory Processes: Simplify the process for environmental permitting and reduce the timeline for regulatory reviews, aiming to decrease the bureaucratic obstacles that can delay or discourage business and infrastructure projects.
  4. Economic and Technological Innovation: Encourage the use of technology and innovation to achieve environmental goals in ways that do not compromise economic growth. This includes investing in cleaner technologies that enhance efficiency in traditional energy sectors and supporting innovative environmental solutions.

Implementation Strategies:

  • Legislative Reform: Work with Congress to amend or repeal laws that are considered to enforce environmental extremism. Propose new legislation that aligns environmental practices with economic needs and energy goals.
  • Executive Orders: Use executive powers to modify or rescind previous administrations’ executive orders related to environmental regulations that are seen as restrictive.
  • Public-Private Partnerships: Engage with the private sector to develop and deploy technologies that reduce environmental impact without significant economic or social disruption.

Goals of the Policy:

  • Strengthen Economic Growth: By reducing the regulatory burden, the policy aims to enhance business operations and encourage investment in sectors like manufacturing and energy, which are often heavily impacted by environmental regulations.
  • Enhance National Security: By achieving energy independence, the U.S. can reduce its vulnerability to international energy market fluctuations and geopolitical tensions.
  • Preserve Environmental Health: Aim to find a pragmatic balance where environmental health is maintained without harming economic vitality, focusing on sustainable practices that are economically viable.

Project 2025 Sources

““Cheap grace” aptly describes the Left’s love affair with environmental extremism. Those who suffer most from the policies environmentalism would have us enact are the aged, poor, and vulnerable. It is not a political cause, but a pseudo-religion meant to baptize liberals’ ruthless pursuit of absolute power in the holy water of environmental virtue.”

“At its very heart, environmental extremism is decidedly anti-human. Stewardship and conservation are supplanted by population control and economic regression. Environmental ideologues would ban the fuels that run almost all of the world’s cars, planes, factories, farms, and electricity grids. Abandoning confidence in human resilience and creativity in responding to the challenges of the future would raise impediments to the most meaningful human activities.”

“The next conservative President should go beyond merely defending America’s energy interests but go on offense, asserting them around the world. America’s vast reserves of oil and natural gas are not an environmental problem; they are the lifeblood of economic growth. American dominance of the global energy market would be a good thing: for the world, and, more importantly, for ‘we the people.'”

The President should eliminate the Interagency Working Group on the Social Cost of Carbon (SCC),

Revise Economic Globalization Practices

The policy titled “Revise Economic Globalization Practices” under Project 2025 focuses on reevaluating and potentially reshaping the United States’ approach to economic globalization, with a specific emphasis on trade and manufacturing relationships, particularly with China. This policy seeks to correct perceived imbalances that disadvantage American economic interests in favor of international ones. Here’s a detailed explanation of the policy’s components, objectives, and implementation strategies:

Key Components of the Policy:

  1. Reevaluation of Trade Agreements: Assess existing trade agreements to determine whether they fairly benefit the U.S. economy, especially in terms of trade balances, job impacts, and industrial growth. Particular attention is given to agreements with China, with the potential to renegotiate terms that are seen as unfavorable.
  2. Enhancing Domestic Manufacturing: Promote policies that encourage the revitalization and expansion of U.S. manufacturing capabilities, reducing reliance on foreign manufacturing, especially from China. This might involve incentives for businesses that invest in domestic operations or penalties for those that outsource excessively.
  3. Protecting Intellectual Property: Strengthen measures to protect U.S. intellectual property rights, which are often compromised in arrangements with countries like China. This includes enforcing stricter penalties for IP theft and ensuring that trade agreements robustly defend U.S. innovations.
  4. Reviewing Foreign Investment: Tighten scrutiny on foreign investments, particularly from China, in critical sectors such as technology and infrastructure, to prevent foreign control over vital economic assets and protect national security.

Implementation Strategies:

  • Trade Policy Adjustments: Work with international trade partners to modify existing agreements and negotiate new ones that prioritize American economic interests and job creation.
  • Legislative Measures: Introduce legislation that supports domestic industries through subsidies, tax incentives, or tariffs on imported goods from countries like China, aiming to make American products more competitive.
  • Regulatory Changes: Implement stricter regulations on foreign direct investment and revise the criteria for foreign entities to operate in U.S. markets, focusing on national security and economic impact.
  • Public Awareness and Support: Engage with the American public and stakeholders to build support for a shift toward economic policies that prioritize domestic growth and security over global integration.

Goals of the Policy:

  • Economic Independence: Reduce the U.S. economy’s dependence on foreign manufacturing and markets, particularly from China, to enhance economic sovereignty and security.
  • Job Creation: Boost domestic employment by incentivizing companies to manufacture in the United States and invest in local communities.
  • Balanced Trade: Achieve more equitable trade balances with international partners, reducing deficits and enhancing the benefits of trade to the U.S. economy.
  • National Security: Protect national interests by ensuring that critical industries and technologies are controlled domestically and are not susceptible to foreign exploitation.

Project 2025 Sources

“For 30 years, America’s political, economic, and cultural leaders embraced and enriched Communist China and its genocidal Communist Party while hollowing out America’s industrial base. What may have started out with good intentions has now been made clear. Unfettered trade with China has been a catastrophe. It has made a handful of American corporations enormously profitable while twisting their business incentives away from the American people’s needs.”

“Unfettered trade with China has been a catastrophe. It has made a handful of American corporations enormously profitable while twisting their business incentives away from the American people’s needs. For a generation, politicians of both parties promised that engagement with Beijing would grow our economy while injecting American values into China. The opposite has happened. American factories have closed. Jobs have been outsourced. Our manufacturing economy has been financialized.”

“Economic engagement with China should be ended, not rethought. Our manufacturing and industrial base should be restored, not allowed to deteriorate further.”

Regulate Big Tech and Protect Data Privacy

The policy “Regulate Big Tech and Protect Data Privacy” from Project 2025 focuses on increasing oversight and regulation of major technology companies, particularly in their dealings with foreign governments, such as China. This policy aims to safeguard American national interests, enhance data privacy for U.S. citizens, and ensure that American tech companies do not compromise American values or security. Here’s a breakdown of the policy’s components, objectives, and how it could be implemented:

Key Components of the Policy:

  1. Stricter Regulatory Frameworks: Develop and enforce stricter regulatory guidelines for tech companies to prevent undue influence from foreign governments, particularly authoritarian regimes like China. These regulations would scrutinize partnerships, investments, and any collaborations that may pose a security risk.
  2. Enhanced Data Privacy Protections: Strengthen data privacy laws to protect Americans’ personal information from being misused by tech companies or harvested by foreign entities. This would include rigorous data handling and storage protocols.
  3. Monitoring and Compliance: Establish a more robust system for monitoring the activities of big tech companies, ensuring they comply with U.S. laws regarding foreign interactions and data privacy. This could involve regular audits, mandatory disclosures, and enhanced governmental oversight.
  4. Security Assessments: Require technology companies to undergo regular security assessments to evaluate their vulnerability to foreign interference and their adherence to data protection standards.

Implementation Strategies:

  • Legislation: Pass new laws or amend existing ones to create a legal framework that limits Big Tech’s engagement with countries like China, focusing on protecting intellectual property, sensitive data, and preventing espionage.
  • Collaboration with Tech Industry: Work closely with technology leaders to develop standards and practices that prioritize national security without stifling innovation. This collaborative approach can help in crafting regulations that are both practical and effective.
  • Interagency Cooperation: Utilize existing agencies, such as the Department of Commerce, FTC, and FCC, or establish a new regulatory body specifically tasked with overseeing tech companies’ compliance with these standards.
  • International Cooperation: Engage with international allies to develop a unified approach to regulating global tech companies, ensuring that these policies have broader support and effectiveness.

Goals of the Policy:

  • National Security: Protect national security by preventing foreign governments from exploiting American technology companies for espionage or influence.
  • Consumer Protection: Ensure that American consumers’ data is protected from misuse and privacy violations, particularly by foreign entities.
  • Economic Integrity: Safeguard the U.S. economy by ensuring that its technology sector operates transparently and is free from foreign manipulation or control.
  • Global Leadership: Maintain the U.S. position as a global leader in technology by setting high standards for security and privacy that can serve as a model for other nations.

Project 2025 Sources

“Then came the rise of Big Tech, which is now less a contributor to the U.S. economy than it is a tool of China’s government. In exchange for cheap labor and regulatory special treatment from Beijing, America’s largest technology firms funnel data about Americans to the CCP. They hand over sensitive intellectual property with military and intelligence applications to keep the money rolling in. They let Beijing censor Chinese users on their platforms. They let the CCP set their corporate policies about mobile apps. And they run interference for our rival’s political priorities in Washington.”

“If you want to understand the danger posed by collaboration between Big Tech and the CCP, look no further than TikTok. The highly addictive video app, used by 80 million Americans every month and overwhelmingly popular among teenage girls, is in effect a tool of Chinese espionage. The ties between TikTok and the Chinese government are not loose, and they are not coincidental.”

Investigate, expose, and remediate any instances in which HHS violated people’s rights by:
1. Colluding with Big Tech to censor dissenting opinions during COVID.
2. Colluding with abortion advocates and LGBT advocates to violate conscience-protection laws and the Hyde Amendment.

Revelations regarding the FBI’s role in the Russia hoax of 2016, Big Tech collusion, and suppression of Hunter Biden’s laptop in 2020 strongly suggest that the FBI is completely out of control

Department of Commerce leadership should work across government agencies to address privacy and data concerns arising out of “big tech” from national security and export control perspectives.

Elevate National Energy Production

The policy “Elevate National Energy Production” from Project 2025 focuses on boosting domestic energy production as a strategic priority to drive economic growth, secure global strategic interests, and achieve energy independence. Here’s a breakdown of the policy’s components, objectives, and how it could be implemented:

Key Components of the Policy:

  1. Increase Domestic Energy Production: Expand the exploration, development, and production of domestic energy sources, including oil, natural gas, coal, and renewable energy such as solar, wind, and nuclear power.
  2. Reduce Regulatory Barriers: Streamline regulations that currently hinder the expansion and operation of energy production facilities, making it easier and more profitable to produce energy within the United States.
  3. Invest in Infrastructure: Commit significant investment in energy infrastructure, such as pipelines, power grids, and storage facilities, to support increased production and distribution capacity.
  4. Technological Innovation and Research: Promote research and development in both traditional and alternative energy technologies to improve efficiency and environmental sustainability.

Implementation Strategies:

  • Legislative Action: Pass laws to support energy sector incentives, reduce taxes and royalties on energy production, and adjust environmental regulations to facilitate responsible energy exploration and extraction.
  • Public-Private Partnerships: Encourage partnerships between the government and private sector to leverage private investment in the energy sector, enhance technology transfer, and share risks and rewards.
  • Environmental Assessments: While promoting energy development, ensure environmental impact assessments are conducted to mitigate negative effects on ecosystems and communities.
  • Energy Exports: Develop strategies to increase exports of domestically produced energy to international markets, enhancing the U.S.’s geopolitical influence and trade balance.

Goals of the Policy:

  • Economic Growth: Drive economic growth by boosting the energy sector, creating jobs, and reducing energy costs for consumers and businesses.
  • Energy Security: Achieve greater energy independence by reducing reliance on foreign oil and energy imports, thus enhancing national security.
  • Global Influence: Strengthen the U.S.’s strategic global position by becoming a leading energy exporter, influencing global energy prices and policies.
  • Sustainable Practices: Incorporate advanced technologies to ensure that the increase in energy production is sustainable and minimally harmful to the environment.

Project 2025 Sources

“The next conservative President should go beyond merely defending America’s energy interests but go on offense, asserting them around the world. America’s vast reserves of oil and natural gas are not an environmental problem; they are the lifeblood of economic growth. American dominance of the global energy market would be a good thing: for the world, and, more importantly, for ‘we the people.'”

“It’s not just about jobs, even though unleashing domestic energy production would create millions of them. It’s not just about higher wages for workers who didn’t go to college, though they would receive the raises they have missed out on for two generations. Full-spectrum strategic energy dominance would facilitate the reinvigoration of America’s entire industrial and manufacturing sector as we disentangle our economy from China.”

The Arctic is a vast expanse of land and sea rich in resources including fish, minerals, and energy. 

A conservative President must be committed to unleashing all of America’s energy resources

The next conservative Administration should prioritize energy and science dominance to ensure that Americans have abundant, affordable, and reliable energy

Educational Reforms Regarding Foreign Influence

The policy “Educational Reforms Regarding Foreign Influence” in Project 2025 aims to safeguard U.S. educational systems from undue foreign influence, with a specific focus on mitigating the impact of Chinese government-backed programs such as Confucius Institutes. Here’s a detailed overview of the policy’s objectives, methods of implementation, and potential impacts:

Key Components of the Policy:

  1. Banning Confucius Institutes: Direct educational institutions to terminate associations with Confucius Institutes, which are cultural and educational programs funded by the Chinese government. These institutes are often criticized for promoting a pro-China curriculum and censorship, contrary to academic freedom.
  2. Enhanced Screening and Transparency: Implement rigorous screening processes for foreign funding and programs within educational institutions. Require transparency in financial and academic dealings with foreign entities to ensure that educational content and faculty appointments are free from foreign influence.
  3. Regulatory Oversight: Establish regulations that limit or prohibit partnerships between U.S. educational institutions and foreign governments known to exert soft power influence, particularly in cases where national security could be compromised.
  4. Monitoring and Compliance: Create a monitoring body to oversee compliance with these regulations, ensuring that educational institutions adhere to new guidelines and report on their foreign engagements.

Implementation Strategies:

  • Legislation: Enact laws that restrict foreign influence in educational institutions, including specific measures against countries posing a significant risk of espionage or influence operations.
  • Federal Funding Guidelines: Tie compliance with these new standards to eligibility for federal funding, providing a financial incentive for institutions to adhere to stricter guidelines on foreign involvement.
  • Educational Campaigns: Develop educational campaigns to raise awareness among educators, administrators, and policymakers about the risks associated with foreign influence in academia.
  • Collaboration with Intelligence and Security Agencies: Collaborate with national security and intelligence agencies to provide educational institutions with the necessary tools and information to identify and resist undue foreign influence.

Goals of the Policy:

  • Protect Academic Integrity: Ensure that U.S. academic institutions can maintain independence and integrity, free from foreign propaganda or influence that might skew educational content or research.
  • Safeguard National Security: Prevent foreign powers, particularly those with adversarial relationships, from gaining access to research and developments that could threaten national security.
  • Preserve Democratic Values: Uphold the principles of freedom of speech and academic freedom, which are often compromised under the influence of authoritarian regimes.

Project 2025 Sources

“The same can be observed of many U.S. colleges and universities. Through the CCP’s Confucius Institutes, Beijing has been just as successful at compromising and coopting our higher education system as they have at compromising and coopting corporate America.”

“Confucius Institutes, TikTok, and any other arm of Chinese propaganda and espionage should be outlawed, not merely monitored. Universities taking money from the CCP should lose their accreditation, charters, and eligibility for federal funds.”

Reduced Government Size and Influence

The policy of “Reduced Government Size and Influence” in Project 2025 seeks to significantly decrease the scale and reach of the federal government in the United States. Here are the primary aspects, implementation strategies, and potential impacts of this policy:

Key Components of the Policy:

  1. Reduction in Federal Agencies and Departments: Propose the consolidation or elimination of certain federal departments and agencies, particularly those considered redundant or inefficient, to streamline government operations and reduce federal spending.
  2. Limiting Bureaucratic Power: Implement measures to curtail the regulatory powers of bureaucratic agencies that have historically extended their influence beyond the scope originally intended by Congress, aiming to return legislative powers to elected representatives.
  3. Constitutional Adherence: Reinforce the principles of the U.S. Constitution as the guiding framework for federal operations, emphasizing a return to its original limits on federal authority.

Implementation Strategies:

  • Legislative Proposals: Introduce and support legislation aimed at downsizing various federal entities and limiting their regulatory powers. This would require significant backing from Congress to pass such reforms.
  • Executive Orders: Utilize executive orders to impose immediate limitations on the authority of executive branch agencies, setting stricter rules for the issuance of new regulations.
  • Budgetary Constraints: Leverage the federal budgeting process to impose fiscal constraints on agencies, effectively limiting their operational capacity through reduced funding.

Goals of the Policy:

  • Enhanced Efficiency: By reducing the size of the government, the policy aims to eliminate wasteful spending and improve the efficiency of government operations.
  • Increased Accountability: Limit the scope of unelected bureaucrats, increasing accountability by ensuring that only those directly accountable to voters—elected officials—have significant regulatory power.
  • Strengthened Individual Liberties: Decrease federal overreach to protect individual liberties and states’ rights, aligning with conservative principles of small government.

Project 2025 Sources

“Our Constitution grants each of us the liberty to do not what we want, but what we ought. This pursuit of the good life is found primarily in family—marriage, children, Thanksgiving dinners, and the like.”

“The American Republic was founded on principles prioritizing and maximizing individuals’ rights to live their best life or to enjoy what the Framers called ‘the Blessings of Liberty.’ It’s this radical equality—liberty for all—not just of rights but of authority—that the rich and powerful have hated about democracy in America since 1776.”

“Left to our own devices, the American people rejected European monarchy and colonialism just as we rejected slavery, second-class citizenship for women, mercantilism, socialism, Wilsonian globalism, Fascism, Communism, and (today) wokeism.”

“Government should stop trying to substitute its own preferences for those of the people. And the next conservative President should champion the dynamic genius of free enterprise against the grim miseries of elite-directed socialism.”

“The next President should promote pro-growth economic policies that spur new jobs and investment, higher wages, and productivity. Yes, that agenda should include overdue tax and regulatory reform, but it should go further and include antitrust enforcement against corporate monopolies.”

“The great challenge confronting a conservative President is the existential need for aggressive use of the vast powers of the executive branch to return power—including power currently held by the executive branch—to the American people.”

“it makes sense to transfer these programs (Office of National Drug Control Policy) eventually to the Department of Justice and Department of Health and Human Services, respectively.”

Economic Freedom and Deregulation

The policy of “Economic Freedom and Deregulation” in Project 2025 embodies a strategic effort to reduce government intervention in economic affairs, aiming to foster a business environment that is less restricted by regulatory controls. Here’s what this policy involves, its intended methods of implementation, and the anticipated outcomes:

Key Aspects of the Policy:

  1. Reduction in Regulations: Systematically eliminate or simplify complex regulations that are viewed as obstacles to business operations, innovation, and efficiency. This may involve rescinding rules deemed unnecessary or overly burdensome and streamlining permitting processes.
  2. Enhanced Market Freedom: Encourage greater competition and innovation by removing barriers to entry in various sectors, which can often be controlled by outdated regulations that protect existing businesses at the expense of new entrants.
  3. Reduced Government Presence: Limit the role of government in economic sectors where private enterprises can operate more effectively, advocating for the government to act as a facilitator rather than a regulator.

Implementation Strategies:

  • Regulatory Review Panels: Establish panels or task forces to review existing regulations and recommend specific cuts or modifications. These panels would analyze the impact of regulations on the economy and suggest ways to reduce unnecessary governmental overreach.
  • Legislative Efforts: Work with Congress to pass laws that formalize the reduction of specific regulations or prevent the introduction of new regulations without thorough economic impact assessments.
  • Executive Actions: Use executive orders to direct federal agencies to reduce their regulatory footprint, set caps on the costs of new regulations, and prioritize economic growth in their regulatory practices.

Goals and Objectives:

  • Stimulate Economic Activity: By reducing regulatory burdens, the policy aims to lower the cost of doing business, thereby encouraging entrepreneurship, stimulating investment, and creating jobs.
  • Increase Competitiveness: Make the U.S. economy more competitive on a global scale by fostering an environment that supports innovation and reduces costs for businesses.
  • Empower Consumer Choice: Reduce government interference in consumer markets to allow for more freedom of choice and lower prices driven by competition.

Project 2025 Sources

“The next conservative President should champion the dynamic genius of free enterprise against the grim miseries of elite-directed socialism.”

“In countries with a high degree of economic freedom, elites are not in charge because everyone is in charge. People work, build, invest, save, and create according to their own interests and in service to the common good of their fellow citizens.”

“The next President should promote pro-growth economic policies that spur new jobs and investment, higher wages, and productivity. Yes, that agenda should include overdue tax and regulatory reform, but it should go further and include antitrust enforcement against corporate monopolies.”

Congress should provide flexibility to employers and employees to calculate the overtime period over a longer number of weeks. Specifically, employers and employees should be able to set a two- or four-week period over which to calculate overtime. This would give workers greater flexibility to work more hours in one week and fewer hours in the next and would not require the employer to pay them more for that same total number of hours of work during the entire period.

Tax and Regulatory Reform

In the context of Project 2025, the policy of “Tax and Regulatory Reform” focuses on restructuring the tax system and modifying regulations to create a more favorable environment for businesses and individuals. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the policy’s components, implementation strategies, and expected outcomes:

Key Aspects of the Policy:

  1. Simplification of the Tax Code: Streamline the current tax code to reduce complexity and the administrative burden on taxpayers. This includes eliminating redundant or unnecessary tax provisions, reducing the number of tax brackets, and clarifying rules to minimize ambiguities that complicate compliance and enforcement.
  2. Reduction in Tax Rates: Lower tax rates for individuals and businesses to enhance disposable income, increase corporate profitability, and incentivize domestic investment. This could involve cutting corporate tax rates, reducing income tax for various brackets, and possibly adjusting capital gains and dividend taxes to encourage investment.
  3. Regulatory Reduction: Target the reduction of regulatory requirements that are considered excessive or overly restrictive for business operations. This includes peeling back regulations across various sectors—such as energy, healthcare, and finance—that may stifle innovation, increase operational costs, and limit economic growth.

Implementation Strategies:

  • Legislative Collaboration: Work with legislative bodies to pass comprehensive tax reform laws that embody the principles of simplification and rate reduction. Engage in bipartisan discussions to garner wide-ranging support for substantial changes.
  • Regulatory Review Committees: Establish committees or task forces to review existing regulations with the aim of identifying candidates for reduction or elimination. Focus on ensuring that essential protections remain intact while removing inefficiencies.
  • Incremental Implementation: Implement changes gradually to allow the economy and taxpayers to adjust without causing disruption. This could involve phased tax cuts or gradual deregulation in sensitive areas.

Goals and Objectives:

  • Enhance Economic Growth: Boost economic growth by reducing the financial and administrative burden on businesses and consumers, which can lead to increased spending, investment, and job creation.
  • Attract Investment: Make the U.S. a more attractive place for both domestic and foreign investment by ensuring a competitive tax rate and reducing bureaucratic hurdles that can deter investors.
  • Increase Compliance and Reduce Evasion: Simplify the tax process to improve compliance rates and reduce tax evasion by making the obligations clearer and the filing process less cumbersome.

Project 2025 Sources

“The next President should promote pro-growth economic policies that spur new jobs and investment, higher wages, and productivity. Yes, that agenda should include overdue tax and regulatory reform, but it should go further and include antitrust enforcement against corporate monopolies.”

“Government should stop trying to substitute its own preferences for those of the people. And the next conservative President should champion the dynamic genius of free enterprise against the grim miseries of elite-directed socialism.”

Antitrust Enforcement

In the context of Project 2025, the policy of “Antitrust Enforcement” revolves around the rigorous application of existing antitrust laws to combat and prevent the formation of corporate monopolies and ensure a competitive marketplace. Here’s a detailed explanation of the policy’s facets, its execution strategies, and the intended outcomes:

Key Components of the Policy:

  1. Strengthen Antitrust Laws: Review and potentially strengthen the existing antitrust regulations to close loopholes that allow monopolistic practices to flourish. This could include updating the criteria used to evaluate mergers and acquisitions, considering not only the direct effects on consumer prices but also broader impacts on competition and innovation.
  2. Enhance Monitoring and Enforcement: Increase the resources and capabilities of agencies like the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice (DOJ) to monitor, investigate, and enforce antitrust regulations more effectively. This may involve hiring more staff, utilizing advanced technology to monitor market dynamics, and enhancing investigative powers.
  3. Target Big Tech and Large Conglomerates: Focus particularly on sectors where monopolistic practices are most evident, such as technology, telecommunications, and pharmaceuticals. This approach aims to dismantle or regulate dominant positions that stifle competition, reduce innovation, or harm consumer interests.

Implementation Strategies:

  • Legislative Collaboration: Work with Congress to amend existing antitrust legislation or to introduce new laws that reflect the modern economic environment, particularly in digital markets where traditional antitrust approaches may not be fully applicable.
  • Sector-Specific Approaches: Develop tailored strategies for different sectors, recognizing that industries like technology and finance may require different approaches compared to more traditional sectors like manufacturing or retail.
  • International Cooperation: Engage with international regulatory bodies to address global monopolistic practices, especially for multinational corporations whose operations affect competition in multiple countries.

Goals and Objectives:

  • Promote Fair Competition: Ensure a level playing field for businesses of all sizes by preventing large corporations from using unfair practices to dominate markets.
  • Enhance Consumer Choice: Increase consumer choices and lower prices by encouraging competition and preventing market monopolization.
  • Stimulate Innovation: Prevent market stagnation by ensuring that no single company can dominate an industry to the extent that it stifles innovation and development.

Project 2025 Sources

“The next President should promote pro-growth economic policies that spur new jobs and investment, higher wages, and productivity. Yes, that agenda should include overdue tax and regulatory reform, but it should go further and include antitrust enforcement against corporate monopolies.”

“Just as important as expanding opportunities for workers and small businesses, the next President should crack down on the crony capitalist corruption that enables America’s largest corporations to profit through political influence rather than competitive enterprise and customer satisfaction.”

Should the FTC Enforce Antitrust—or Even Continue to Exist? Some conservatives think that antitrust enforcement should be invested solely in the Department of Justice (DOJ).

Big Tech and Antitrust. The large internet platforms have transformed the U.S. economy, streamlining consumer purchases, networking billions of people, and altering long-established business practices. Despite their enormous size, they have avoided significant antitrust liability or prosecution.

Education Reform and Alternatives

In the context of Project 2025, the policy of “Education Reform and Alternatives” aims to diversify and improve the educational landscape by promoting alternatives to traditional public schooling. This policy recognizes the importance of matching educational opportunities with the varied needs and career goals of students, thereby increasing access to vocational training and non-traditional educational pathways. Here’s an in-depth look at this policy, including its components, implementation strategies, and expected outcomes.

Key Components of the Policy:

  1. Promotion of Trade Schools and Vocational Training: Increase support for trade schools and vocational education programs that prepare students for specific trades and skilled labor positions. This involves funding for new vocational schools, updating curriculums to meet current industry standards, and partnerships with industries that can provide practical experience.
  2. Expansion of Apprenticeship Programs: Encourage the development and expansion of apprenticeship programs where students can earn while they learn. This involves creating incentives for businesses to participate in apprenticeship programs and easing regulatory burdens that might hinder the creation of such opportunities.
  3. Reform of Student Loan Programs: Reform student loan programs to support alternative education paths rather than funneling all support towards traditional four-year colleges. This could include providing loan options for shorter, career-focused programs and trade schools, and offering loan forgiveness for individuals who pursue careers in essential but underserved sectors.
  4. Promotion of Educational Savings Accounts (ESAs): Expand the use of Educational Savings Accounts, which allow parents to use federal funds to pay for alternative educational options including private schooling, home schooling, and online education.

Implementation Strategies:

  • Legislative Initiatives: Work with Congress to pass legislation that supports alternative education pathways by providing funding, tax incentives, or other resources necessary to establish and sustain these programs.
  • Public-Private Partnerships: Foster partnerships between the government, educational institutions, and private industry to ensure that educational programs are aligned with current and future job market needs.
  • Awareness and Outreach Campaigns: Launch campaigns to raise awareness among students and parents about the availability and benefits of alternative educational pathways.
  • Regulatory Adjustments: Simplify or remove outdated regulatory requirements that restrict the operation of trade schools and hinder the creation of apprenticeships.

Goals and Objectives:

  • Diversify Educational Opportunities: Provide students with multiple pathways to success that align with their personal interests and the needs of the job market, reducing the overemphasis on traditional college degrees.
  • Reduce Student Debt: Offer more economically efficient education options that lead directly to employment, potentially reducing the need for long-term student loans.
  • Meet Workforce Needs: Align educational outcomes with the needs of industries that require specific skills and training, helping to close the skills gap in many sectors of the economy.

Project 2025 Sources

“It should promote educational opportunities outside the woke-dominated system of public schools and universities, including trade schools, apprenticeship programs, and student-loan alternatives that fund students’ dreams instead of Marxist academics.”

“Analogous pro-growth reforms for America’s voluntary civil society are also in order.”

The next Administration should return to prior policy and implement an industry-recognized apprenticeship program

Free Speech and Civil Liberties

In the context of Project 2025, the policy of “Free Speech and Civil Liberties” emphasizes strengthening and safeguarding the fundamental freedoms enshrined in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. This policy is a response to perceived threats to free expression, religious freedom, and the right to peaceful assembly, particularly in the digital age where technological platforms play a significant role in public discourse. Here’s an analysis of the policy, including its components, implementation strategies, and potential impact.

Key Components of the Policy:

  1. Protection Against Censorship: Focus on protecting individuals and groups from censorship by major technology companies, often referred to as “Big Tech”, ensuring that social media platforms and other forms of digital communication cannot arbitrarily silence users based on political or ideological viewpoints.
  2. Legal Framework for Free Speech: Strengthen legal protections that prevent governmental and private entities from infringing on the freedom of speech. This may involve revising existing laws or introducing new legislation to better protect these rights against modern challenges.
  3. Safeguarding Religious Freedom: Ensure that individuals and organizations can practice their religion freely without interference from the government or penalization from societal groups, reinforcing the separation of church and state while protecting religious expression.
  4. Support for Peaceful Assembly: Affirm and protect the right to peaceful assembly, ensuring that individuals can gather and protest without undue restrictions or punitive measures from state or local authorities.
  5. Addressing Big Tech Influence: Implement regulations or guidelines that hold technology companies accountable for transparency in their content moderation processes and prevent them from engaging in discriminatory practices against certain viewpoints.

Implementation Strategies:

  • Legislative Actions: Work with Congress to pass laws that clearly define and protect digital speech, limit the ability of tech companies to censor based on subjective criteria, and ensure transparency in the moderation processes.
  • Judicial Advocacy: Support legal challenges and judicial actions that aim to uphold and expand protections for free speech, religious freedom, and the right to assemble, including supporting Supreme Court cases that set precedents in favor of civil liberties.
  • Public-Private Partnerships: Collaborate with technology companies to develop standards and practices that respect free speech while addressing legitimate concerns such as hate speech and misinformation without infringing on civil rights.
  • Educational Campaigns: Launch educational initiatives to inform citizens about their rights and the importance of protecting civil liberties as foundational to a democratic society.

Project 2025 Sources

“Analogous pro-growth reforms for America’s voluntary civil society are also in order. America is not an economy; it is a country. Economic freedom is not the only important freedom. Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and the freedom to assemble also represent key components of the American promise.”

“Today, in addition to the problem of Big Tech censorship, we see speakers at universities shouted down, parents investigated and arrested for attempting to speak at school board meetings, and donors to conservative causes harassed and intimidated. The next conservative President must defend our First Amendment rights.”

Anti-Corruption Measures

In the context of Project 2025, the policy of “Anti-Corruption Measures” targets the reduction of crony capitalism and the undue influence that corporations can exert through political channels. This policy seeks to foster a fairer economic environment where business success is driven by market forces—such as competition and consumer satisfaction—rather than by lobbying efforts or political connections. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the policy, its implementation strategies, and expected impacts.

Key Components of the Policy:

  1. Transparency Enhancements: Strengthen reporting requirements for political donations and lobbying activities, ensuring that all corporate interactions with regulators and legislators are fully visible to the public.
  2. Lobbying Restrictions: Impose stricter limits on lobbying, including longer waiting periods for government officials transitioning to lobbying roles, and tighter controls on lobbying spending.
  3. Campaign Finance Reform: Enact reforms to reduce the influence of money in politics, potentially including limits on corporate campaign contributions and enhanced support for public financing of elections.
  4. Regulatory Overhaul: Simplify the regulatory environment to reduce the opportunities for businesses to manipulate complex regulations to their advantage or to use regulatory capture as a competitive edge against smaller entities that cannot afford extensive lobbying.
  5. Enforcement of Anti-Trust Laws: Vigorously apply anti-trust regulations to break up or limit the power of monopolies and oligopolies that can distort the market through undue influence or anti-competitive practices.

Implementation Strategies:

  • Legislative Initiatives: Collaborate with lawmakers to pass comprehensive anti-corruption legislation that addresses the root causes of crony capitalism.
  • Inter-Agency Coordination: Foster collaboration between the Department of Justice, Federal Trade Commission, and other relevant agencies to ensure consistent application of anti-corruption measures across all sectors.
  • Public Accountability Mechanisms: Develop platforms or systems that increase public access to information regarding corporate lobbying activities and government officials’ interactions with the private sector.
  • Whistleblower Protections: Strengthen protections for whistleblowers who expose corruption and unethical behavior in government and business, ensuring they are shielded from retaliation.

Project 2025 Sources

“Just as important as expanding opportunities for workers and small businesses, the next President should crack down on the crony capitalist corruption that enables America’s largest corporations to profit through political influence rather than competitive enterprise and customer satisfaction.”

“There is a reason why the private economy hews to the maxim ‘the customer is always right’ while government bureaucracies are notoriously user-unfriendly, just as there is a reason why private charities are cheerful and government welfare systems are not. It’s not because grocery store clerks and PTA moms are ‘good’ and federal bureaucrats are ‘bad.’ It’s because private enterprises—for-profit or nonprofit—must cooperate, to give, to succeed.”

“The MSPB is the lead adjudicator for hearing and resolving cases and controversies for 2.2 million federal employees. It is required to conduct fair and neutral case adjudications, regulatory reviews, and actions and studies to improve the workforce.”