GOP 2024 Platform

The GOP official platform, along with a summary of the policy platform can be found here. A total of six policies defined in Project 2025 were not added to the GOP platform, and they are in red text below. The GOP policy defines “Protecting Seniors” as a pillar of the policy, but that is not explicitly defined in Project 2025.

Finally, there is difference of scale between the two documents policies. The GOP official platform describes removing wasteful spending to shrink government costs, where Project 2025 describes the removal of entire branches of government like the DHS. Both policies aim at shrinking government, the scale is different.


Project 2025 focuses on four promises. This page will review the four promises as defined in the project 2025 playbook, and pull out all the policy statements defined for each of the four promises.

Restore the Family as the Centerpiece of American Life and Protect our Children

Protect Marriage and Family Structures: Eliminate financial disincentives to marriage, promote work and self-sufficiency, support marriage and parenting education, and prioritize faith-based family programs to enhance family stability and societal well-being.

Implement Work Requirements for Welfare: Promote self-sufficiency and reduce dependency on welfare programs by implementing work requirements for able-bodied adults without dependents.

Use Government Power to Support Families: Utilize the tax code and other federal powers to promote family formation and cohesion.

Protect Religious and Educational Institutions: Safeguard the tax-exempt status of religious and educational institutions. This policy also restores religious exemptions for contraceptive mandate.

Enforce Parental Authority in Education: Assert that schools should serve the needs of parents, not vice versa, and cut off federal funding to educational institutions that do not respect parental authority.

Promote School Choice: Advocate for universal school choice to give parents control over their children’s education.

Eliminate Critical Race Theory and Gender Ideology from Schools: Ban these theories from public school curricula nationwide.

Restrict Gender Reassignment: Define gender reassignment for minors as child abuse and end such practices. Prevent the VA from providing gender reassignment surgery.

Protect the Unborn: Work to enact robust protections for unborn children across all states and increase support for adoption as an alternative to abortion.

Dismantle the Administrative State and Return Self-Governance to the American People

The term Administrative State refers to the policymaking work done by the bureaucracies of all the federal government’s departments, agencies, and millions of employees

Reform Congressional Budget and Spending Process: Enforce the requirement for Congress to pass a budget and issue-specific spending bills annually, as mandated by law, to enhance accountability and reduce omnibus spending practices.

Dismantle the Administrative State: Reduce the policymaking power of federal bureaucracies, which often operate beyond congressional oversight, and restore legislative powers fully to Congress as stipulated in Article I of the Constitution.

Regulatory Rollbacks and Reforms: Eliminate excessive and overreaching regulations implemented by federal agencies that hamper domestic energy production, border security, and educational policies.

Reform Departmental Policies: Redirect policies of key departments such as Homeland Security, Education, Justice, and Defense to align more closely with constitutional principles and conservative values.

Restrict Woke Policies in Government and Military: Cease diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training and other similar initiatives in federal agencies and the military that are deemed counterproductive to departmental missions and conservative principles.

Enhance Executive Oversight of Bureaucracies: Empower the President and executive branch to have greater oversight and control over federal agencies to ensure that their activities align with the elected government’s policies and priorities.

Fiscal and Constitutional Restraint: Promote fiscal responsibility by curtailing unaccountable federal spending that supports left-leaning institutions and ideologies.

Restore Military Focus on Defense: Prioritize military training and readiness over social experimentation, with a clear focus on addressing threats like the Chinese Communist Party.

Executive Actions Against Overreach: Utilize executive powers to revoke unnecessary bureaucratic powers, close wasteful offices, and reduce the influence of federal bureaucrats.

Legislative Collaboration for Reform: Work closely with Congress to reclaim its constitutional authority from the administrative bureaucracies, aiming to reduce the federal footprint.

Defend our Nation’s Sovereignty, Borders, and Bounty Against Global Threats

Reassert Constitutional Governance: Emphasize restoring the federal government to its constitutionally intended size and roles, focusing on reducing the scope and power of government to increase accountability.

Reform Immigration Policies: Enforce stricter immigration controls to secure national borders and prioritize legal pathways, reflecting a stance against open borders.

Reject Environmental Extremism: Propose a rejection of stringent environmental policies that are viewed as economically and socially restrictive, favoring instead policies that support economic growth and energy independence.

Revise Economic Globalization Practices: Reevaluate and potentially end economic practices that favor international over domestic interests, particularly concerning trade and manufacturing policies with China.

Elevate National Energy Production: Advocate for increased domestic energy production to enhance economic growth and global strategic interests, emphasizing energy independence.

Secure our God-Given Individual Right to Enjoy “The Blessing of Liberty”

Reduced Government Size and Influence: Advocate for a reduction in the size and scope of the federal government to align more closely with the original intent of the U.S. Constitution. This includes reducing the influence of bureaucratic agencies and departments that are seen as overreaching beyond their constitutional mandates.

Economic Freedom and Deregulation: Promote economic policies that emphasize less regulatory interference, more open markets, and reduced government involvement in daily business and economic activities. Allow employers and employees to calculate overtime over a two or four-week period instead of the standard one-week period. This is seen as a means to spur job creation, investment, and overall economic growth.

Tax and Regulatory Reform: Implement reforms to simplify the tax code and reduce regulatory burdens that are perceived to hinder business efficiency and economic expansion.

Antitrust Enforcement: Enforce antitrust laws more rigorously to break up or regulate corporate monopolies, aiming to foster a more competitive business environment.

Education Reform and Alternatives: Promote educational opportunities outside of the traditional public school system, such as trade schools, apprenticeships, and alternative student-loan programs that do not fund traditional Marxist academic pathways.

Free Speech and Civil Liberties: Protect and defend First Amendment rights by ensuring freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom to assemble. This includes combating censorship by Big Tech companies and protecting individuals from being silenced or persecuted for their views.

Anti-Corruption Measures: Implement policies aimed at reducing crony capitalism and ensuring that corporations cannot profit unduly through political influence. This includes creating a more transparent system where businesses succeed based on competition and customer satisfaction rather than political lobbying.

Example of Incorrect Memes

This is a meme that I saw which was full of incorrect statements about Project 2025. This image illustrates how much misinformation there is in regards to this subject.