My wife and I love watching educational YouTube videos.   I wanted to share with you 10 YouTube channels I highly recommend. 

I find watching these with my children to be a great bonding experience.  I added my suggested minimum age for when kids would get value from them, but your child may differ.  

MinuteFood (Age 13+) This adorable channel covers “everything you wanted to know about your food.” She talks about cookware, how to brew coffee, and dozens of other topics. It’s great for aspiring cooks or those trying to up their game.

Cleo Abram (Age 14+) She brings optimistic energy to science reporting. She covers questions like “Why is Elon Musk Really Building Starlink?” to “The Electric Formula 1 Cars.” Cleo is very engaging, and her energy makes you want to learn more.

Be Smart (Age 12+) Dr. Hanson covers a variety of topics from “Can humans talk to Whales” to “The Engineering that helps you survive car crashes.” Joe, as he calls himself on the channel, has been a content creator for 11 years and there is a wealth of content.

Mark Rober (Age 12+) If you have ever heard of “The Porch Glitter Bomb,” this is the guy that made it. He’s a NASA engineer who has turned into a science educator, and his engineering videos have quite a bit of “Mr. Beast” energy!

Veritasium (Age 17+) This is my favorite show. Dr. Muller covers topics like “The Man Who Killed Millions and Saved Billions” to “Something Strange Happens When You Follow Einstein’s Math.” Some of his shows dive deep into the math behind the science.

Phil Edwards (Age 14+) He goes into odd but interesting topics such as “Why are operating rooms green?” and “Why every 90s celebrity got a milk mustache.” His work is quirky and interesting.

Extra History (Age 13+) It’s hard to make history really engaging, but this show does it. Each series is divided into 4 to 5 ten-minute episodes. If your kid has to study a subject that EH has covered, it’s worth watching with your kid.

Storied (Age 12+) This PBS show covers fables and language. Dr. Erica Brozovsky dives into great topics like “Is the Southern Accent Disappearing?” Maybe it’s because I’m a language nerd, but I find her stuff incredibly interesting.

Perun (Age 17+) An Australian economist who covers national military investment strategy. If you like getting into the deep details of the economics and science of warfare, this is for you. He answers questions like “Why is an iPhone more expensive in Costa Rica than America?”

City Beautiful (Age 14+) This might not be for everyone, but Dr. Amos is a city planner who dives into topics like “Can You Buy a City?” or “Are the Suburbs Getting Worse?” If you have ever wondered why cities are built the way they are – this is for you!